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"I am pregnant with jungkook's child" The girl voice came the whole pool area became silent none of them spoke.... They all were registering this information....

"What the hell are you saying huh..... " Mrs jeon asked... She was angry.... An unknown just came and is saying that she is carrying her son's child.....

"What do you wants to say.... Say it properly" Tae said clamly

Kook was hearing all this on call after hearing tae's clam voice he got scared.... What if tae will believe this girl and will leave him.....

" My name is lily.....I am his ex secretary... I worked for him for 2 months but he fired me " The girl spoke

"I left that day but last week I got a call from him he asked me to meet.... I went to meet him... He said that he wants me.... He is sad and depressed because his soon to be husband can't get pregnant.... He then took me with him.... And"the girl sobbed other's were shocked hearing this... Because the news of tae can't get pregnant was confidential. . ... Then how this girl know about this.... Well there was only one person who clam hearing all this that person was....


Hearing all this kook was frozen on his place... He don't what is happening what this girl is saying it is true that the same named girl worked for him but what she is saying about is totally wrong... He never met this girl after firing her... Then why she is saying all this..... And what if others believe her.... Specifically Tae because the moment she has started to speak he had not heard tae's voice.... His heart is beating so fast...

When the girl got calmed she again started to speak again "then yesterday I got to know I am pregnant.... I went to his office they told me you all are here so I came here.... Please accept my child and me.... Please help me marry my child's father" She begged.... Others were silent they all looked at Tae cause he was looking so relaxed..... They all wanted to shout at the girl because they know she is lie.... Mrs jeon was about to please but got cutoff when Tae spoke

"Are you done? If yes then please leave from here.... " He said calmly the girl looked shocked

"But Mr kim I am here to tell about the truth.... Why are you asking me to leave " Lily asked

"Hmmmm... You said and we heard.... Now leave what are you expecting from us... To believe you... Then I am sorry you are wrong... So kindly leave" Tae said coldly..... Others got that hevis ok and is saying right.....

"Yes please leave miss.... " Mr kim said he was really angry on that girl but he controlled his anger.....

"No you all can't just say this.... See I have proof too... See this is his no.... I even have our photos of that day.... When all this happened... See" She said and handled them her phone but Tae shook his head with a deep sign

"Listen to me miss.... I know you want to stop this marriage and marry him... But your plan is failed... I neither believe in you nor in your proofs.... So leave"tae said rubbing his forehead because now he was getting frustrated

" No you should believe me.... See I also know about you pregnancy thing.... Believe me he did all this cause he wants a child and I -"before she can speak further a tight slap landed on her cheeks... Her face turned the opposite side.... Jin was glaring at her....

"Don't you dare to say something like this about him got that" Jin was in rang.... He is angry and his mood swings are making it worse.....

Tae was pissed by this girl so much... He chuckled... Others looked at him..

"What do you think you will say all this and I will believe you.... You are saying he wants a child that's why he did this..  Ohhhh... Nice joke.... Because he can never do this you know why..... Cause he loves me the most in this world.... You are saying that he called you... Oh please even if he is drunk... He will never call you.... I have faith in him and in his love.... Even if he himself say this to me i will never believe it... I had saw his eyes.. Which clearly shows... How much he loves me... How much his love is pure... No matter what no one can make us upart.... And put this in you head properly.... And about this pictures.. So they are completely edited... How I know... This person whom your saying is my bunny... He has no spark in his eyes... But my Bunny's eyes have spark in them.... He holds a whole universe in his eyes..... You see this picture it doesn't have a mole... While my bunny has a mole on his side neck..... "Tae said and smirked when he saw how the girl was stiffed on her place

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