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After paying the bill taekook went to jeon mansion as Mr jeon has called both of them their.....

The ride was silent both wanted to speak but they don't know how to start the conversation..... And like that only they reached to jeon mansion

When they both entered they saw both kim and jeon family sitting in living room along with yoomin

"Come sons sit we all wanted to talk about something" Mr kim said they both sat there

"So the thing is we have an announcement and a question what should we do first" Mr jeon said taekook looked at each other and kook spoke

"Dad tell us the announcement first" Kook spoke because he knew what the question will be

Mr jeon nodded and motioned namjoon to say

"So.....i had told this to other just you both are remaining so.... Ummm..... How should I say this? " Namjoon started but wasn't able to find words how to tell them both and watching his husband jin shooked his head and spoke

"Joonie why are you not saying.... Leave it I will tell.... So tae bear you are going to be an..... UNCLE" jin said and both taekook were looking at them sinking the new information in their head and when they got what the other wanted to tell tae jumped and hugged jin like there's no tomorrow

"Hyung.... Hyung.... This is not a prank right..... Omg.... I am going to become an uncle.... Yeah..... " Tae shouted and started to jump like small kid all cooed at him including a wipped bunny

"Bear relax sit down you will get hurt" Mrs kim said and tae sat next to kook with his boxy smile on display

"Now the question... So as you two know about whom we wanted you both to marry what are your answer's" Mr jeon asked and others nodded in agreement

Both looked at each other and nodded and then kook spoke

"Ummm.... Dad we don't have any problem" He said scratching back of his neck

"Ohhh ok you we were thinking how about you both get engaged after a week" Mrs kim said

"But if don't want it now we can postpone it al-" Mr jeon was about to say further but got interpreted when kook shouted

"NO..... I mean no we are ok don't need to postpone it" He shouted immediately after hearing the word postpone but the moment he realized that everyone is looking at him he said that again scratching his neck out of embarrassment and shyness

And about tae he was already red due to the shout

Both the families laughed at kook..... And after some more talks they all headed to their respective house

And kook headed to his room he went to take shower after some good 20 minutes he came out just a towel wrapped around his waist

He came near the dressing table and looked at himself at that time he realized how dumb he is he Faceplamed himself.... At the realization... He then looked at himself closely his does eyes.... Bunny teeth... Cute smile... Greek god body..... In short a muscle bunny with a baby face

Yes he was the same person tae describe and how fool he is that he was find himself he chuckled on his own thought but blushed when he thought that tae has looked at him really closely..... And he indirectly compliment his body too......

After thinking all this he changed his dress and wore his night wears and laid on his bed but still the certain someone has occupied his brain and at tae's thought he started to plan their first date and his official confession tooo..... And thinking all this things he went to his dream land

SIMPLE BUT ADORABLE (A cute love story) (✓) Where stories live. Discover now