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After the confession and their first kiss... They started to become more close.... Kook often call Tae to his cabin just to see him, hug him, or kiss him... Yeah kook was addicted to tae's lips.... It was like drug to him.... And after kissing so much they were now perfect in it.... Even if they didn't involved tongue in any kiss.... Till now all there kiss were soft and innocent....


A grumpy CEO was sitting on his office chair.... Cursing something badly.... If someone will see him they will think he have surly loss some impact deal that he is so grumpy.... But no.... The said CEO a.k.a kook is grumpy because tomorrow he and Tae are getting engaged... Yes you read right tomorrow is their engagement and today he the to take Tae for date and was planning to spend quality time with his love..... But you know not ever wish come true.... So now he is left alone.... Why alone because a short monster has took his soon to be fiance from him

Readers:- cut it short.... Stop being dramatic and speak clearly

Author:-i just wanted to make it look good(pouts)

So the monster... (Readers glare)... Ok fine... I mean jimin had took Tae with him how and why.... Let's see


Kook was waiting for Tae as he had called him in his cabin

When he heard someone's knock he looked at the door with a bunny smile... And their enters his love of life.... Tae

When Tae entered kook took his chair a little back and patted his lap and understanding this Tae walked towards him and sat there.... Yeah it is now normal for them.... So kook was holding him by his waist as tae's hands were around his neck.... Both were staring at each other and kook started to lean and their lips were about to meet when the door bust open making both of the flinch and there entered jimin and Tae stood up from his place and stood near kook who was glaring at jimin

"What the hell jimin...... How many times I have to tell you to knock before entering inside" Kook said gritting his teeths in anger... He was about have his favorite sweet and his moment got ruined

"Ahm ahm sorry for interpreting your moment love birds but it was necessary for me to come here" Jimin said and his statement made tae's cheeks became red which were pink at first.... And about kook he was frowning

"And may I know why you have to come here? " Kook said raising his one eyebrow

Jimin cleared his throat and stood straight..... And both taekook knew and jimin is going to start a new drama now

"So Mr CEO I have to take your soon to be fiance with me.... " Jimin said which made kook glare at him

"No he is not going anywhere" Kook said.... But can he stop jimin.... No

So jimin took tae's hand... And spoke before leaving

"I am taking him even if you want or not.... You see him tomorrow at your engagement... Bye. Bye.... " Jimin said and dragged Tae with him who gave a helpless face to kook.... Both left the grumpy and angry CEO behind

Flashback ends

But kook can't do anymore now.... He even tried to call Tae and ask him where they are but before he can speak jimin took his phone and cut the call and switched off his phone... And now kook was getting pissed even if someone was breathing.....

And his day went like that only


Next day

Both jeon's and kim's were in choas.... Both families were busy in preparation of the engagement.... Some were getting ready some were taking a look on the preparation..... The function was held in a big hall.... Some close friends, relatives and some famous reports were only there to see and capture this engagement.....

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