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**Special part***requestes by this cutieee


Tae and kook both were working in kook's cabin he was so concentrated in his work that he didn't saw two eyes we're staring in to his soul

Finally when he felt stares he looked up and saw ate staring at him

He cleared his throat and before he can ask something tae stood up and walked towards him...

He was still processing what is going on when ate sat on hi lap facing him jungshook

He was staring at tae with his wide bambi eyes

And tae started to lean closer to him and then he felt  pair of lips attached to his making him on cloud nine tae startes to move his lips and after understanding what is going he also startes to move his lips... Kook's hands were on his waist

Slowly kook's hand started to go down and

"JEON JUNGKOOK" a lous scream was heard in his cabin

Jungkook looked around and saw a very irritated jimin standing in front of him..... Then he realized it was his dream

"What you were thinking..... And wait why are you cheeks red" Jimin asked

And then jungkook noticed his cleeks were red

"Uhhh.... No-nothing..... But why you were shouting" He asked to change the topic

"Ohhh i was calling you for 2 minutes but didn't hera so i shouted" Jimin said

"And i am here to ask you something" Jimin said nervously

Jungkook motioned him to continue

"Uhh... Actually I wanted half day leave" Jimin said

"Ohhh.... Ok you can take" Jungkook replied

"What..... Seriously" Jimin asked with wide eyes he really thought he have to do lots of struggle to take a half leave  but look just said yes

"Hmmmm you can " Look said casually

"Ok i think you are really not fine now" Jimin said

"You are leaving or I should cancel your leave" Look asked glaring and without saying something else he ran out

'What the hell I just dreamed offf...... Omg I am so embarrassed...... But in dreams his lips were so soft....is his lips that soft or more than that...... What the hell I am saying ... Ohhh God I am blushing....... 'Kook walked to washroom and saw his face his face was red like tomato

'I have to drink a coffee you distract my mind'kook thought   when the scene were continues flashing in front of him

He opened the door and came face to face with none other than tae

Their faces were really close and again the scene came in front of his eyes and without even noticing his eyes landed on tae's lips

And then he came back in reality and backed away and now he was a blushing mess heart beat was on another level and his face was totally red

"Sir do yo have fever.... " Tae asked and touched is forehead

And this made him more shy and he was really blushing....

"Ummm no... " He said backing away a little

"Ohh sorry i was about to knock but you opened the sorry first" Tae said and they both went inside

"It's ok.... But why are you here " Jk asked trying his best not to stare at his lips

"Ohhh aunt called me to tell you left  with out break fast so i brought luch for you from my favorite restaurant if it is ok for you"tae replied

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