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Next two days were really frustrating for kook as he was not able to understand whom Tae love

.. And about Tae he was loving it.... How kook was trying to find that person

Thursday..... Present time

Kook was again in his cabin thinking about that particular person.....

His thoughts got interpreted when someone knocked

And that someone was Tae

"Jungkook.... You have a meeting in 15 minutes with Mr park.... " Tae said and kook nodded

After 15 minutes... They both went to meeting room where park was already there

Kook entered first and Tae followed him but what made kook confused was Mr park was smiling at Tae.... Why?

"Hello Mr park..... Nice to meet you" Kook said

"Same here Mr jeon" Park said

"He my secretary----" Kook said but park cut him off

"Kim taehyung" Mr park completed

"Do you know each other.....? " Kook said and this time Tae replied

"Of course we know each other.... He was my boss..... And my close friend" Tae said and walked in front and they both hugged each other

After seeing Tae hugging someone kook rolled his tongue in his inner cheeks..... Why?.... Of course he was hella jealous..... First that person whom Tae love and then this..... Why can't kook hug him like this.....

"Hmmm looks like you both are really close" Kook said when they both backed away..... Tae noticed that kook was jealous.... He liked this.... But he didn't wanted to create any kind of misunderstanding between them

"Yes..... Hyung is my really close friend..... By the way hyung how is princess and noona" Tae said which made kook confused

"Ohh they both are really good and you princess is really a trouble maker... " Bogum said with a chuckle

"Ummm.... About whom you both are talking? " Kook said

"Ohhh I was asking hyung about his wife and daughter" Tae said and noticed that relief kook face showed

"Ohhh.... Good... Let's start our meeting" Kook said with a genuine smile

They talked about the business stuff.....

And bogum left after hugging and inviting him to his house

And that day also went like that

Next day

It was already evening.... Kook was finishing his work so that he can go home and freshen up

Kook was already very pissed because he was still to able to understand that person.... He looked at all the person who work in his company..... His all friends.... His closed ones.... He checked their all the details but none matches what Tae said(he is a real coconut head... Isn't he....???? Just joking.. 😜😜😜😜)

And what made him more pissed that Tae took a day off today..... And he wasn't able to see him only for once

Now he was all set to go home..... He went and get ready his heart was beating on its high speed as he was getting closed to the fixed restaurant..... He parked his car and went inside

"Good evening sir.... How may I help you? " The girl at the entrance said

"Ummm I have a booking here for two.... By Mr jeon " He said and the girl nodded

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