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Next morning

Jk was quite quick today don't know from where the energy was coming in him but still he was awake before his alarm rings he got  dressed and went down and was met with his mom and sister talking

"Omo... See you are quite early today. I thought you will wake up late cause you came late last night" Mrs. Jeon said with a teasing smile

"Hmmm mom i think he is very excited to go to his office today" Lisa said making his brother to roll hi eyes

"Ohhh please noona i know where you are going but it's nothing like that" Jk said sitting on the sofa

"Huh.. But Lisa didn't said anything....she just said that she knows the reason behind you are early.... She can also talk about your business right kook? " Mrs. Jeon said with a smirk on her face because he caught her son

"Ummm... I also didn't mention anything" Jk said a little nervous

"Okk.... So you will have breakfast or will have it in office" Mrs. Jeon said and jk rolled his eyes.

"I will have here only" He said and went to dining area where servants had already placed their breakfast.

After breakfast jk drove to his office

At office
Today a new employee had been recruited . Her name is lia

Tae was on his way to give jk his coffee he was walking in the lobby. When he reached near his cabin door he saw a girl trying to peak in his cabin so he went their and tapped on her shoulder

"What are you looking? " Tae said raising his eyebrow
"Huh.... Why should I tell. It's none of your business" She said and walked to do her work but Tae was having a bad vibe around her

He then went inside after hearing a come in

"Ohh Tae come sit " Jk motioned him to sit on his opp chair but he didn't notice that he mistakenly said Tae

"Ohh sorry i mistakenly called you tae" He said with an apologetic look but inside he was wishing that Tae will let him call that

"No no it's ok you can call me that "Tae said with a smile
" Ok"jk said normally but inside he was dancing. He himself don't know why but he felt like he was really happy

"Tae tomorrow we have a meeting with cha corporation and i want you to prepare a presentation" Jk said

"Ok jungkook i will ready it till tomorrow" Tae replied

"Hmm... By the way I wanted to ask you something if you don't mind" Jk said a little with a hesitation

"Yeah say what you wanted to ask" Tae replied

"Actually it's about yesterday when that Mr. Lee's daughter said that you were looking at the other table.... I know the thing which she thought was not true but u was a little curious about what you were thinking...... Ummm don't tell me if you are uncomfortable. And sorry for asking" Jk completed and looked at tae

"It's ok and it was really not the thing what she said I was just as I was looking at that family because they had ordered a lot of food and then the left it without even touching it once so i thought why they do order when they don't have to eat it" Tae smiled softly
"And when I excused I went to buy that untouched food because that restaurant provides wasted food in low price that food which we gave thr kids that was the one I bought.... " Tae completed

"Ohhh.... But why you didn't bought fresh food then? " Jk asked confusingly

"Because I can't offered that fresh food that's why I bought it" Tae explained

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