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"It my turn..... And i am damn sure that you will like.... No... No. You will love it.... " Kook said with the biggest bunny smile on his and hearing this Tae jumped and his eyes we're shining with excitement.... Kook took his phone out and called someone and spoke"yes.... Take them inside"

After some second.... Yoobin entered there from the main door...... All of them frowned Tae looked towards kook.. He was about to something but a shout made him stunned....

"ANGEL HYUNG" Tae's head snapped towards the door from where the voice came they were none other the children whom they met at that night....

"Oh my..... You all.... How you all came here? " Tae said when all the kids attacked him with hugs....

"Angel hyung bunny hyung brought us here.... " The eldest os them spoke

"Yes angel see he even bought me this princess dress" The little girl said showing her white frok....

"Tae son.... You are really lucky to have a lover like him.... He is so kind and good.... May God bless you both with lots of happiness" One of the parents spoke.... They all were also invited there with their children....

Tae looked at them and then at kook who was standing there with his shining eyes and bright bunny smile.... Tae ran to him and with teary eyes hugged the other tight.....

"Thank you thank you so much.... You did this.... This is the best" Tae was just speaking whatever was coming out of his mouth he knew he making no sense still who cares... Kook patted his back and let the other calm in his embrace.... After some time... Tae pulled away...

"Yes uncle you are right... He is the best" Tae spoke with so much love in his eyes...

"But i am the luckily.... Because I got you as my life partner.... If you didn't had took me that day with you and let me meet you this all fluffy balls I hadn't even got to know that people's nowadays are suffering.... And you know I never thought at in this cruel world there are still people who cares for others.... Who have humanity in them.... Even though they don't have too much money but they have the biggest heart.... And we how have many should appreciate this type of people and help them.... But not by just giving them money because even if they want money they all are willing to earn it by their own hard work not because of sympathy.... So I had asked some of my friends and I myself will provide them jobs as per their skills and qualifications... "Kook spoke with sincerity in his tone.... And this made his parents proud of him more.... Tae was feeling the luckiest soul in this world and of ready to do anything of his kind hearted lover.... While other people who were present there were also really proud that in this young generation were people just think that money is everything and they all had forgot about humanity... There are still some people who put kindness and humanity at first.... The news reports were also filimg all this...

"You are the best.... I love you" Tae said and pecked kook who was stunned for some seconds but smiled brightly....


All the couples were on the dance floor slow music was going they all were dancing slowly.... Even yoobin were dancing while the kids were all at the food side having whatever they wanted...

Suddenly the slow music turned into some loud kpop songs... First they all looked at each other and then to jimin who was sheepishly smiling while standing beside dj.... And now they all were dancing on kpop songs.... Kids had also joined them all were dancing and were enjoying their time.... When a hand hold tae's wrist and dragged him..... They both ended up at the corner of the hall were the function was going on.... They both were surrounded by curtain so that no one can see them.... Kook was staring intensely to Tae... And tae was trying to understand what had got kook so worked up.... And before tae could speak something he felt pair of lips attached to his own.... At first both were kissing each other normally but then kook started to kiss the other aggressively.... Tae tried to match with his speed but there was no use... Kook licked his bottom lips and tae parted it to let him enter there.... Kook was exploring every corner of youngers mouth his one hand was griping others waist while other hand was holding youngers back of neck..... He was titling his head from left to right to kiss him more..... And when Tae was out of his breath... He patted others shoulder kook got that but still was not william to let tae's lip go so he sucked his lips and tongue again and again but when he thought that it can harm other he finally let go of others lip with a last time sucking on it...

Both of them were patting heavily.... Both were out of breath.... After some minutes gaining his breath Tae spoke

"What happened to you all of sudden? " He asked stil his breath was not that stable

"You know I was carving for you from yesterday.... I missed you so so much.... And the way you are looking today.... You are really beautiful... If I say truly beautiful word is meant for you only..... I love you so much love" Kook spoke with his usual wipped eyes.... Staring at the blushing beauty....

They both stayed like that kook was hugging Tae his head was burried in others neck while Tae was stroking his hairs.... Kook started to kiss his neck which made him giggle... And hearing the giggles kook started to do it more..... Like this they both became fiance and now were waiting for the day of their wedding...


Next day...

Tae was hella nervous today. He was nervous to go to office... Why?

Because the news of taekook's engagement had been spread like fire.... All the people in country now knows that kim taehyung is the second eldest son of kims and he is now engaged to the CEO of jeon corporation.. Jeon jungkook...

Now he has many thoughts running in his head... First after hearing this news.. What if their employees will think that Tae got his job because of his father... What if they will think that Tae was doing this job to marry their boss... What if they will think that Tae has seduced their boss... There were many what if... Running in his head... And with all this thought he finally reached the company... He took a deep breath and entered there

He saw all of them were looking at him with a emotionless face.... They all were just staring at him with made him more anxious..... He then walked to his cabin trying to avoid all the stares.... But what made him frown was when he opened his office door his all the things were no where to be found... Whole cabin was empty... So to ask this he thought he should go to jimin Or he should go directly to kook's cabin but what he didn't accept was the thing he saw the moment he stepped out of him cabin..


Their he stood stunned when he saw all the employees  standing in front of him. The party blasters(I don't know what it's actually called sorry) blasted beside him.... All of them were looking at him with their brightest smiles... Some came to him with flowers in their hand and gave them and congratulated him... Some gave him chocolate too... He then understand that they all were happy and this made him sign in relief... He then thanked everyone and bowed.... All of them said that they are really happy that they are working with such a humble person and that they are also happy for him and they are relieved that there is someone who will save them from their cold boss.. Which made Tae laugh.... All of them have him and kook blessings and.....told him that kook had called hi to his office....and they went to do their works.... When Tae entered in kooks cabin kook was standing at the door he then took tae's hand and started to drag him... He then stopped and shifted to his left .... To made Tae see what he wants... There was a new desk exactly opposite

All things of Tae were placed nearly on the desk.... He first looked the desk the he looked at the grinning bunny.... And raised his eyebrow.... Kook just shrugged... And spoke

"What.... Why are you staring at me like this.... See now everyone know about us and you know I also don't have to call you when I want to see... Or kiss you" Kook smirked at the end...

Tae just shooked his head our the smirking bunny....

"You know it will save our time and I can stare at you whenever i want and no one will stop me" Kook again spoke while he pulled the other towards him and walked to his chair made Tae settled on his lap and joined their lips....

To be continue

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Stay tuned cutiesssss


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