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After all this drama they all enjoyed their time and went their homes.... Jeon's went to their house and park's to theirs as their parents messaged them to come directly at their houses

Next day they all started their normal routine.... At evening Mr jeon called kook to meet him in their lawn

After dinner he went their and saw his dad looking at sky

"Dad you called me? " He asked

"Hmmm, I want to talk to you about something..... " Mr jeon said and kook nodded

"Son.. Do you have any girlfriend or boyfriend or you have any interest on someone? " Mr jeon said which surprised kook.... Because his father never talked to him about all this..... And when asked that he have interest in someone tae's face came in his mind but right now he just shook his head because he don't even know that tae also like him or not

"Ok... So i was planning about your marriage.... I have a friend and i want to marry you with his son.... So before this I want you to meet him first" Mr jeon said

"Ok dad I will meet him... But when and where" Kook asked with a fake smile

"I had talked to my friend about this and on Friday you will go to 'purple flowers' restaurant for dinner with him" Mr jeon said and kook nodded he turned to leave but stopped when he father again spoke

"I am sending you his photo... Look at it if you want" Mr jeon said.... He didn't want to tell kook now that he is talking about tae

"No dad it's not necessary I will see him when I meet him" Kook said and left.... Actually he was not in a mood to see that person's face right know.... After kook said this Mr jeon signed in relief

Whole night kook wasn't able to sleep because he was continuously thinking that if he should ask tae that he likes someone or not

And like this next morning came

In jeon corporation

Kook wasn't able to concentrate on any work.... And then he decided that he will ask this to tae

After some while tae came in his cabin to take his sign on some papers

"Ummm, tae wait I want to talk to you about something" Kook said with  hesitation in his voice

"Jungkook you don't have to hesitate to ask me anything ask whatever you want" Tae said with an assuring smile

"So.. Tae do you.... Do you like someone... I mean do you have any interest in someone.... " Kook asked tae got it what he wanted to say because just like kook tae's father also talked to him about the marriage thing and he gave the same reply as kook.... Because he was also not sure about kook's feelings for him and now he decided to give hint about his feelings to kook

"No I don't like someone-" He paused and saw that kook's expression became a little sad

"Actually I love someone" He completed and now kook's expression wasn't able to understandable

"Ohhh... Who is that lucky person? " Kook asked

"I can't tell you his name... Ummm.. But i can let you about him" Tae said at first when he spoke kook became sad but when he again spoke he felt good that at least he will be able to know about that person

"Ok tell me" Kook said

"So that person has doe eyes, bunny teeth, cute smile, kind heart, greek God like body, dominant personality and is a baby inside.... In short he is a muscle bunny with baby face and manly body.... " Tae said and he literally wanted to laugh at the face which kook was making after hearing all this

"Ummm..... Ok... But at least tell me his name's first alphabet... How I will know about a person by all the thing you said? " Kook said

"Ok.... His name starts will J and you know him too" Tae said and kook frowned upon hearing that he knows the person whom Tae love

"So i am going ok..... "Tae said left from there because it was difficulties for him to control his laugh now

After Tae left kook started to think about all the things Tae just said and he wasn't able to understand who is this person

After like 3 hours of thinking but still kook couldn't understand who this person is suddenly his cabins door flew open and there enter jimin along with a sleepy yoongi

"What the hell jimin how many times I have to tell you to knock before entering inside...... " Kook said a little loud

"Woh woh what happened kook.... Ok i know I should knock before entering here but you never reacted like this before you ok? " Jimin said

"Huh. . Sorry actually I am little stressed that's why" Kook said signing and then a thought came in his mind

"Jimin and yoongi hyung do you both know a person who has doe eyes, bunny teeth, cure smile, kind heart,  and Greek body, in short a muscle bunny with baby face--- and whose name starts with j? " Kook asked and in return he got a blank face

"What speak something" Kook again said

"Yeah we know a person like that.... But why are you asking" Jimin said

"Ohhh who is that person... You know Tae loves him" Kook said

And this time he got a 'are you serious' look from both of them

"Who told you this? " Yoongi asked

"Tae told me all this" Kook said with a frown when he saw both of them were now laughing

"What why are you both laughing now" Kook said being pissed

"Oh boy we know him very well but if Tae hadn't said his name to you so i guess he wants you to find that person right? " Jimin said

Kook nodded

"Then do it by your know" Jimin said and they both left now a confused and trustfrated(frustrated 🤣🤣) kook behind

His whole day went in thinking who this person is but end of the day poor buy was not able to gusse

He then went home still thinking about it

At home all had ate their dinner but kook was really quite whole time so his mother, sister and brother thought to ask him about this cause his father was talking to Mr kim about something so now three of them were in kook's room they asked him what happened and after their constant questions he told them all the think from loving tae to his father's talk about his marriage

His siblings teased him when they heard that he love Tae and after hearing the marriage thinking they all gave them a smile specially his mom she patted his shoulder and told him that he is doing right

And when he told them about the conversation he did with tae three of them looked at him with a blank expression and than brust out laughing

He first stood their dumbfoundly and then asked why are they laughing he told them that jimin and yoongi also gave him the same reaction

"Does this means you all also know him? " Kook asked being shooked

"Of course kook we all know him... In fact you know him tooo idiot just use your mind and think who this person can be" His mom told and left along with his siblings who winked at him

After this he was more confused who is this person whom everyone know.... Even he also know him..... But the question is who is this person


To be continue

What do you think who is this person???

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Sorry for the mistakes

Stay tuned cutiessss


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