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"Now stop it... It's enough" Kook said glaring at jimin who tried to control his laughter but ended up laughing again....

"It's ok kook relax" Yoongi said patting his shoulder.... He changed his clothes after Tae allowed him to do..... And right now they are sitting on couchs waiting for jimin to stop laughing but it will take a while I guess.....

"What are you finding so funny.... He was looking beautiful" Jin said and kook's head snapped to his direction giving a look of 'you too hyung'

"Guys enough now" Namjoon said so that they can talk normally.... But jimin was still laughing....

"Stop it now jimin" Jhope said.... "Ohh hyung you all are to understanding it.... I am not laughing because of this.... Actually I remembered the incident because of which kook hated to wear girls costume... " Jimin said trying to suppress himself but no use after remembering it he burst out laughing again.... Yoongi signed knowing it is some how related to his mood swings too....

"Huh.... What happened that he started to hate it" Jin asked being curious... And kook knew he is going to get embarrassed now....

"So you know.... Lisa noona is his elder sister and her friend have a baby sister....she used to tease her saying that Lisa noona can't have a baby sister.....So when kook grew up a little.... She make him wear girls dress and took him to her friends to show she can have a baby sister too.... But to his bad luck when they were coming back  a puppy came running to him and teared his frock from down.... Even tho he was just two.... He became so embarrassed that he didn't came out from his room for like 6 hours... And after so much pleading and sorries he came and took a promise from them that they will never ask him to wear a girl dress.... "Jimin completed and giggled after imagining the red face kook had when he ran inside the house with his torn frock......

" It's ok kook it happens no need to feel embarrass "namjoon said and others nodded to kook whose eyes were blood red....

" Stop it all of you... You are making my baby shy.... Go away"Tae said clinging to kook who forgot everything and chuckled at his baby's cutenesss.....

"Uwu my baby" He said pecking his lips.....


It was almost 5 in the morning.... Tae was in his 9 month doctor has confirmed that the baby is grown fully and the delivery can be at any moment.... And looks like the time has came....
Tae was sleeping peaceful but shrieked woke up when he felt a strong pain in his lower stomach.....

And before he can even wake kook he saw kook was already going towards  Sofia's room to wake her up.... When Tae flinched in his sleep kook immediately woke up....

Because he was very alter in his sleep... He ran to sofia's room and started to wake her.... It was decided that sofia will go with them....

"Princess get up papa is in pain... Baby is coming" He said shaking her slightly.... And this was enough for the big sister to wake up.... She immediately sat on her bed.... As you can see kook has already trained her for this day.... Best dada kook....

He ran to his room.... They were currently leaving on ground floor for tae's safety.... Sofia also ran behind him holding the hospital bag which was already ready.... Kook picked Tae and ran to his car.... He asked sofia to open the door.... She did and sat inside... He placed Tae on back seat.... Tae's head was on sofia's lap he then went towards driver seat and started the engine....

"AAHHHH..... KO-KOOKIE..... AAAAAA" Tae was shouting in pain which was increasing by every second.... And the more tae was screaming... The more kook's heart was hurting.... His tears were flowing....

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