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Time skip
One month later.....

It's been a month they were engaged they both were madly in love with each other.... All the employees of the office started to call them teakook...
Both were always together their families often have sleep over at one of the mansion.... Right now they both were on their way to namjin's house as they were going to meet jin who was now 2 months pregnant....

They both reached their and was greeted by a smiling namjin.... They all sat in the living room and started  to talk..... Today they were having dinner here

"What do you both want to eat black bean noddles with chicken sandwich or.... Pizza...? " Jin asked

"I want pizza" Both said jin stood up

"Ohhh but sorry I had already made black bean noodles and chicken sandwich so you have to eat it only" Jin said and walked inside the kitchen to set the dining table...

Both Tae and kook looked at namjoon with'what the hell did just happened' look and in return

"Mood swings... You know... I am seeing ot from 2 months" Namjoon shrugged

"You will also have this mood swings? " Kook said looking at Tae... "Huh? " Tae asked not getting what other wants to say...

"Ohh when you will get pregnant will you also have mood swings? " Kook asked but tae's face became cherry red.... He nodded and went o help jin....

"What why was his face red... " Kook spoke...

"Think about it" Namjoon said with a smrik.... And kook's ears turned red when he realized what he just spoke.....

**** next day ***

Today they all were gathered in jeon mansion again... To decided taekook's wedding.... They all were discussing about the venue, decorations, date, suites.... In which Mr. And mrs jeon and Mr and Mrs kim were decided to look for venue and invite the guest.... Jimin and jhope both were given the task for choreograph their performances ... Yes they are having performance in reception.... Namjoon and jin were given food responsibility.... Jhope, Namjoon, and yoongi will take kook with them to buy his wedding suite and jimin, jin, and sobbin will take Tae... Hearing this kook was a little upset because he wanted to go with Tae too... Lisa and jennie were given the task to prepare others suites and dresses.... And yeonjun was given the task to personally invite the special guest.....

It was decided that taekook are getting married after two months because it will be a grand wedding and will take time for the arrangements.....
And as decided all of them went to their works.... As they all have to take leaves during wedding they all had to complete their work till then.... In which taekook had the most work load because they were going for a vacation after their wedding...


It's been a month after they decided the wedding date and all are busy in it's preparation.... Except for kook he is so busy in his work that he is not talking to any one properly now.... He mostly do his work whole day till late night.... He is not even flirting and talking with Tae properly and Tae being a mature partner he is understand that kook is doing all this for their wedding so he is also not saying anything and he is trying to help kook as much as he can....

Today they had a meeting and after that meeting they were going to jimin's house to have a get together and they are also going to decide when they are going for shopping....

They ended the meeting and now Tae is driving the car while kook is sitting beside him checking some mails in his phone

"Kookie i was thinking something" Tae said glancing at kook... Kook humed at Tae

"I was thinking how about we make red and black as our wedding suites.... You wear black and I will red" Tae said and looked at kook when got nothing answer "kookie? " Tae again spoke

Kook again hummed.... "Are even listening what I am saying? " Tae asked that's when kook looked at him

"Sorry love I was checking some mails say again what you were saying? " He said and again looked at his phone.... Tae signed
"Kookie please atleast listen to me" Tae said....

"I am listening love " Kook spoke glancing at Tae

"Is it then tell me what did I said? " Tae spoke looking forward...

This made kook silent.... He gulped slowly looked at Tae....

"Uhmmm sorry baby..... I will listen now" Kook spoke locking his phone....

"No now I will ignore you see... How I won't talk to you and you will ask me for forgiveness" Tae said playfully glaring at kook at then concentrating at road....

Kook unbuckled his belt and turned towards Tae and spoke

"Don't you dare ignore me.... I can take every punishment but I can't take your ignorance..... Sorry bub.... " Kook was saying all this and stopped when he saw Tae was looking at road with wide eyes... And before he can see something Tae unlocked kook's door and pushed him out of the car.... Kook rolled on the road and his head got hit by a stone at the side of the road.....

A loud crash sound was heard kook looked with his heavy eyes towards the sound there he saw their car lying on the road up side down all the glasses where scattered on the ground people started to surround them and the last sound he heard before fainting was a ambulance sirens....

Before it all happened....

When kook was speaking tae looked at front from where a truck was coming in their direction on high speed..... And the first thought came in his mind was to save kook so he unlocked kook's side door and pushed him.... And not even 1 minute passed the truck hitted his car his car flied and landed on the road upside down..... He can hear people talking but he was badly injured and started to get unconscious ....

At jimin's house....

And the family members where sitting in living room having chit chats they were laughing and teasing each other..... While waiting for both finance to come.... That's when namjoon's phone ringed who was feeding jin chocolates.... He pulled his phone and looked at the caller.... It showed kook.... He picked up the call....

"Where are you both? We are waiting? " He spoke then there was a silence all looked at him when he cut the call..... He looked tensed and a bit hesitate.... But after hearing what happened from everyone he spoke

"Kook and tae got in an accident they both are taken to the soeul hospital"


To be continue

Sorry for the mistakes...

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