Special chapter......

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Kook was sitting in his cabin thinking what he should do to celebrate tae's brith day.....as he had did all the things throughout the years.....

He had surprised tae on his all birthdays and gave him lots of gifts every year....but still he always got his birthday surprise more greater.....tae always comes up with creative and beautiful ideas on his birthday that he was left amazed Everytime my his love's brain.....

He was busy in his thoughts that's when his phone ringed making him smile seeing his princess calling him....

"Yes princess...."kook asked picking up the call .....

"Dada don't forget to bring my Disney doll set....pwease"Sofia spoke making kook chuckle.....

"Of course I won't forget to get you that my princess"kook spoke as they talked for a while and he disconnected the call....

After completing his work he went to mall to buy his princess the Disney doll set....he was strolling around the dolls section and saw lots of beautiful dolls he picked the best set of dolls and an idea came in his mind seeing different dolls.....he smiled brightly.....but to complete his idea he needs everyone's help....which he will surely get......


Next day.....

Kook stood out the school to pick his both kids....he smiled and kneeled down with open arms as he saw gguk and Sofia running towards him....he hugged both of them and lifted them spinning in his arms making them giggle and other kids to stare at them with cute smile....

"Dada..."both shouted as they pecked his cheeks....

"Yes babies"kook asked as he pecked their cheeks too...

"Can we have ice cream"gguk asked looking at him with his wide doe eyes....and the adorable bunny smile broke on his face when kook nodded....


"Wow....papa will be very happy"Sofia spoke as three of them were in the ice cream shop having their favorite ice cream and kook explained his idea to his kids....

"You think so"kook asked...and both nodded their head making their hair bounce .....

"Ok than day after tomorrow is his birthday....Jimin and Ami will take him to shopping....and you both along with kids have to help with something......."kook told them what they have to do....and  they both nodded again.... he ruffled their hairs making them giggle.....

When they returned they smiled nervously as tae was standing Infront of of them hands on his bum and one eyebrow raised....three of them looked at each other....

"May I know where you three were"tae asked folding his hands now over his chest....

"No papa....you can't ask"Sofia spoke and hide behind kook's leg as tae glared at her...

"You are spoiling them too much you know"tae spoke to kook who pointed at himself....

"Me?"kook asked with an innocent face....

"No the person behind you"tae spoke in scarcastic way....

"Oh...but there is no one behind"kook spoke making tae face plam....he just left them in the living room going to kitchen murmuring something like"I can't with them....god..."

Kook and other two little devils giggled and did high five ....kook asked both the siblings to change as he walked to kitchen when he was sure kids went to their room....

"Love"kook called as he back hugged tae but hissed as he got a slap on his hand....

"Don't lOvE me....got that...you are making them brats..."tae spoke holding a spatula in his hands making kook to lift his hands in surrender.... that's when tae noticed the paper bag he was holding....

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