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Next morning

Every one was sleeping peaceful in their rooms

And in tae's room both were sleeping now facing each other the pillow were all thrown out of the bed in night gods knows by whom but now both were really close to each other

Slowly tae strated to open his eyes and blinks twice to get a clear vision he then noticed that someone was really close to his face first he thought he is dreaming like every day but suddenly realization hit him like a truck and he wide his eyes just to see his boss aka jungkook face really close to his and he got lost because this was the first time he was watching him this closely....

And then started to star and admire his(jk's) face his brown hairs falling on his forehead his cute eyes... Small nose.... Parted lips showing his two bunny teeths and at the end the mole under his lips..... After staring at his whole face his eyes again landed on his mole which was looking so cute and he wanted to touch it but before he can do something jk started to shuffle as a sign he is waking up and without thinking twice tae got up and stood on the floor

Jk opened his eyes and blinked and frowned finding him in an unfamiliar room and then he realized he is not in his room... And when he looked at front he got confused as why tae is standing there like a statue.....

"Why are you standing there? " Jk asked with his raspy morning voice which send shivers in tae's whole body and his cheeks startes to become red due to the thought what he was doing some moment before jk woke up when jk didn't get any answer a thought came in his mind when he looked around after sitting straight on bed pillows were on floor

"Shit did I did something... Or crossed any line or what...... No please don't let this happen God" Jk thought really aware of his own dream

Why? Because he now often dream of tae you now about he dream means everything like their date... Wedding... And (my readers are really good at understand so please understand what I an saying 😏)

So he knows very well that after all this kind of dreams he really have to face problems early in the morning

"I am going to take a bath" Tae said making his train of thought stop and literally ran to bathroom to hide his red face

Jk looked at the closed door for some times and tilted his head in confusion and then shrugged it

After some times Tae came out and jk was scrolling in his phone they both looked at each other and Tae gave him  a smile and said

"Good morning" And this two words were enough to make jk clam as he really thought he made tae uncomfortable but after hearing tae he was now relaxed

"Good morning" He replied and took his clothes and went to a bath he came out and saw tae was doing something on his laptop went tae felt that the bathroom door opened he looked at jk

And before any of them can speak a loud voice was heard from downstairs


Jk was really confused as what was happening downstairs.... And tae giggled hearing this shout he know what namjoon has done to make jin this angry

"Huh.... Why are you giggling" Jk asked to tae being more confused

"Ohhh that it is their daily routine.... " He said with a chuckle and jk gave him a confused look
"Let's go down you will know there" Tae said and both went down

When they reached in living room they saw namjoon running in whole living room and jin was chasing him Mr and Mrs kim were looking at them with a done face, jennie and yeonjun were laughing their ass out and others were really confused by all this drama same as jk

When namjoon saw Tae he ran to him and hide behind him

"Brother in law please save me " He said

"Ah huh and why will i? " Tae asked crossing his hand on his chest

"Bear i will buy you the latest collection of Gucci" And hearing this tae's eyes start to spark

"Promise" He asked and namjoon nodded.
"You idiot come here don't hide behind my bears back" Jin said glaring at his hun with a pin frying pan in his hand

"Hyung what happened what did joonie hyung broke this time" Tae asked

"Bear this joonie hyung of your broke my favorite set of glasses which I brought last month" Jin said giving a death glare to namjoon who gluped

"Jinie baby I was just putting it in the shelf I don't know how it fall from my hand s and broked" Namjoon said with a pout

"Don't act smart when you know that every thing you touch gets broke then why you even do this" Jin said

"Sorry please i will not do it again" Namjoon said still hiding behind Tae who was looking at them giggling with a whipped and confused bunny beside

"It's okay hyung see he even said sorry now" Tae said and jin breathed some times to clam himself

"What is happening here" Lisa asked

"Not new this is their daily drama" Mrs kim said and walked to kitchen to see the break fast is done or not

"They always fight like this joonie hyung will break something and jin hyung will chase him than our tae hyung or we can say jonnie hyung's angle come in between them and save him" Yeonjun said tae giggled

All nodded and laughed when jin glarred at yeonjun

And a whipped person was again lost in some ones giggles

After having breakfast they all were sitting in living room

"So what should we do now? " Jimin said leaning on yoongi's shoulder

"Kids you all think about you all we all are going to play golf so..... Bye " Mr jeon said and all the adults left with him

"Now what about us? " Jin said

"Hey let's go to club tonight" Jennie suggested

"But we don't brought our clubbing clothes" Lisa said others nodded

"So let's go for shopping first.... And then we will go to club tonight" Jimin said and hearing this jin, tae, Lisa, jennie and soobin's eyes became wide they all shouted a yes which scared others

And then they all went to mall

To be continue

Thanks for reading

Sorry for the mistakes... I know it is going really slowy ang being boring... 😔.... Sorry

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Stay tuned cutiessss


After ending this story I have two stories in my mind..... So i wanted to ask to all about this

1) Secret's
Which is about two persons who are forced to marry each other but it is not your so called forced marriage kind of story.... Both of them have secrets..... Because of which both can get separated too......

2) Dreams can't wait... But love can????

It will be not my own story..... I want to write a bollywood movie'YEH JAWANI HAI DEWANI'

In taekook version

I will write the same things which is in the story

So you all tell me what should I write first

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