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All of them were now inside there cars

In taekook's car

"Mini you are looking hot and sexy" Yoongi conplimented

"Ohhh, thank you you are looking hot too" Jimin said winking at yoongi

Tae and kook both were hearing them

"Ahmmm..... Tae you are looking beautiful in this clothes..... I must say my choice is awsome" Kook said glancing at Tae

"Of course it is.... And thank you... But you have to agree mine is the best" Tae said making kook confused

"Huh? " Kook said

"Ohhhh I mean the clothes you are wearing are my choice and I must say you are looking handsome, hot and dashing in this clothes.... So my choice is the best.... Right? " Tae said

"Ohhhh about that indeed that is right" Kook said without glancing at Tae with his slightly pink cheeks.... Hearing compliment from Tae is very big deal for him... Duh

They all were talking during whole ride and then they reached in front of the most famous club in seoul "King's"

They all parked the cars and came in front of the main gate

"Wow.... This is the most famous club in seoul let's go..... " Lisa said and nodded and went inside

The smell of alcohol hit their nose the moment they entered loud music was blasting their ears

Without stoping anywhere they all straight went in vip section which was less crowded

They all got settled and ordered drinks for themselves

Except of Tae all ordered alcohol and Tae ordered soft drink for him

"Tae Tae why you didn't ordered alcohol for you" Jimin asked.
"Ohhh.. That i don't like it's taste and second I have a very low tolerance of alcohol" Tae replied

"Ohhh" Jimin said

But kook made a note about this

All were enjoying their time drinking laughing , talking and teasing each other

But after sometimes they saw a group of girls came inside the vip section but they ignore them and went to their talks

But they got interpreted when a girl spoke

"Ohhhh you are hear also.... I see but how come people from low class can sit in vip section you shouldn't be even alowed here" Mina spoke

"Who are you to say something like this to him" Jimin asked

"Huh.... Whoever I am but this shit who is sitting with you all wear a duplicate gucci dress..... Does not belongs to here" Mina said eyeing Tae kook was about to say something but before him namjoon shook his head and stopped him and kook looked at him confusingly

"And who do you think you are huh? " Tae said

"Ohhh so now you got tongue to speak just because you are sitting with famous people doesn't make you famous too" Mina said with a smirk and thought tae will get embarrassed and will leave and when she saw Tae standing her smirk got bigger but the moment Tae spoke her smirk immediately got vanished

"I think you should speak after thinking and about being not famous as much as I know you are also to famous" Tae said raising his one eyebrow

"How dare you to speak in front of me bitch" Mina spoke fuming in anger

"Ohhh first I not Mina so stop calling me bitch and second why can't I speak in front you duh.... " Tae said sassy which made other's amazed except og namjin and yeonjun

"You how dare you" She was about to slap him but Tae held her hand

"A a a don't you dare.... I didn't said anything to you that day just because I was at my work that time but now I won't leave you so better stay in your limit" Tae said and left her hand with a jerk

"You.... You are thinking that just because you are sitting with the CEO and his friends you will disrespect me you wait I will call my uncle here he is the manager of this club and he will throw you out of the club right now" Mina said and called her uncle

After some minutes an old man entered there

"Yes.... What happened Mina who was disrespecting you... I will throw that person right now" That old man spoke

"Uncle there he is" She said pointing at Tae and when the old man looked at him his eyes went wide he walked in front of him

Mina smirked again and thought that her uncle will throw Tae but what his uncle did next made her jaw drop on floor

That old man bowed 90° in front of Tae which made other's present there shocked again except of kims

All the people present their knows that the manager of the club is very rude and impolite person... He behaves bad with his customer and staffs... But seeing him bow in front of someone was really shocking

"I really sorry sir.... On behalf of her I am extremely sorry" He spoke and went to Mina

"Come say sorry to him" He said and dragged her

"But uncle why should I say sorry and why are you bowing in front of him just throw him out.... It's not like he is rich or something" She spoke

"Are you out of your mind Mina.... I can't throw him... But he want he will throw both of us from here... Say sorry to him right now" The old man spoke with a glare

"Uncle you are behaving like his the owner of this club" She spoke

"Because he is" The old man again spoke

"WHAT" mina shouted and along with mina everyone else present there were shock too..... And tae he was smirking looking at her

"Bu-but this place is owned by kims right" She spoke not believing what she heared

"And i am kims second eldest son.... KIM TAEHYUNG" tae spoke which made mina shiver

"You are lieing" She again spoke

"He is not now say sorry before I lose my job become of you" Her uncle spoke

"You had already lost you job, I was giving you chances till know but today you are fired don't come here from tomorrow as a manager" Tae said in a cold tone

Which rook other's Offgaurd as they had never heard tae's cold voice and about kook

How he was more than shocked he always thought that Tae is a sensitive person and can only be sweet., but heck today looking at him being like this he was really surprised

'Wow, he is really bold, sweet, sassy, and many more I am looking forward to know his other sides too' kook thought


To be continue

I hope I am not making you all bored by my story.... And i know it is going a little slow but i will try to make it quick

And yeah I want to finish this story fast as I am going to start my third story after this

Sorry for the mistake

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Stay tuned cutiesssssss


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