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It's been 2 hours... Tae was still sleeping.... And his whipped bunny well what say about him... The moment he came out change his clothes from that time to till now he is just staring at his love..... Why he said he will sleep right.... But when he came back changing his clothes and saw his love sleeping soundly with a pout making him more cute.... He thought why waist time sleeping.... When he can just sit there and admire his love.... So yeah.... He is just staring at Tae from then..... With his bunny smile on display....

He got out of his dream world when his phone ringed

Old hyung calling......

He picked his phone and made his way to balcony so he won't distrub his love....

"Yes jin hyung" Kook said putting his phone on ear...

"What yes jin hyung... The hell you both are doing huh.... We are calling Tae for 10 minutes now.... Don't tell me you are already doing it" Jin said from the other side of the phone and the last line made kook's ear red....

"Hyung don't think anything.... He is sleeping that's why he didn't picked.... But why are you all calling him" Kook said trying his best to not go in his dream land again.... Imagining doing things with his love.....

"Yaah did you forgot you wedding reception will start in 2 hours.... And he have to get ready... Idiot... Wake him up..... And i am sure you both had didn't ate anything right... So eat something and the call me we will come there to ready him" Jin said and kook said ok.... And hang up the call

"Aww... See my baby is looking so cute... I don't have heart to wake you up... But if I won't they will... So sorry... "Kook muttered looking at Tae...

" Baby.... Love... Wake up... Baby"kook tapped his cheeks and caressed his forehead lovingly.... (I wish come one will wake me also like this😞)

Tae started to shuffle and slowly opened his eyes and met with his husband eyes and bunny smile...

"What time is it? " Tae asked slowly getting up

"Ohh it's 4 " Kook replied

"What oh my god..... I have to get ready shit Jin hyung will kill me" Tae said with wide eyes.... He then fastly got up from bed and was about to run inside the bathroom to wash his face.... But gasp when his husband pulled him to his lap

"Relax baby Jin hyung called me and told me there is still time.... And we didn't ate anything... So now you go freshen up I will order food for us then I will call them they will come and will help you to get ready ok? " Kook said holding him by his waist and caressing his cheeks with other hand.... Tar signed in relief... He tried to get up but the hold got more tight

"What leave me... " Tae said

"Na... First give me a kiss then you can go" Kook said pouting his lips for kiss

"Oh god " Tae said shaking his head and pecked kook's lips
"Now leave me" Tae said trying to stand

"Love this is not kiss it's a peck" Saying this he smashed his lips on Tae....

After having a long make out section Tae finally got up and went in bathroom to freshen up.... Kook order foods for them... They both ate their food teasing and laughing.... And then kook called Jin and with in 10 minutes the gang came inside their room.... Right now they all were pushing him out from his room....

"But atleast tell me why are you all pushing me" He said looking at them who were struggling to push him out....

"Cause tae's reception dress is a surprise for you so go to my room and get ready there only" Jimin said trying his best to push the muscle bunny out.... But they didn't even made him move an inch....

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