Chapter 17: Pass, Fail, and Electives (September 22, 2118)

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"I can't thank the both of you enough for the opportunity to study under you. I learned a lot, and I'm going to train even harder. So when I come back for the second set of field courses, I promise that I will show improvement," I assert as I stand in front of EraserHead and Present Mic. They hold my file open and are double checking to make sure they've signed all the forms and completed the evaluations.

"Well. You'll be pleased to know tha-" Eraser starts before Present Mic interjects:


I smile nervously as Eraser closes the folder and slips it into the confidential envelope. Only my teachers are allowed to see my evaluations. He passes me the folder, and I slide it into my bookbag before shaking both of their hands.

"We look forward to your return, Toya Todoroki," EraserHead says calmly. I look behind him to see Shinso standing in the doorway to the living room. He's holding Slasher in his arms and making him wave goodbye to me, but the kid has the expression of a statue. I smile and nod before picking up my black duffel and walking out the door of the Agency.



"Bad Reputation" blares at max volume from the subwoofers in my car as I pull up to the front of Edgeshot's Agency to pick up Shinji and Yu. I honk the horn three times, and the two come running out of the enormous skyscraper with their luggage in tow.

"You don't have to be rude !" Yu tries to yell over the music.

"Huh? Sorry, can't hear you!" I shout back mockingly, cupping my ear with my hand. She huffs as Shinji pops my trunk open, and they throw their bags in my car. The wooden-skinned kid smiles at me as he hops in the passenger seat, and Yu just rolls her eyes as she sits in the back, immediately becoming absorbed in her phone.

"Bro, guess what? Takeyama and I got picked by Edgeshot! So we'll be working here in Hosu when we graduate! We're going to form a Hero Team called Team Lurkers! Isn't that awesome?! Now you're not the only one that has a spot carved out for them when they become an official Pro," Shinji smiles as he punches me in the arm, and I pull away from the curb as the song changes.

"Can't you put on Ariana Grande or Dua Lipa or something decent ?" Yu complains behind me.

"Takeyama, you're the only person that would ever ask for someone to turn off Elton John. Driver picks the music. Backseat shuts her cakehole," I yawn as I merge onto the highway to take us back to Kaira Central, where P.H.T.A. awaits us. I throw my car into sport mode and accelerate, weaving in and out of the morning rush. I wanted to get back in time so Rue and I could sign up for electives. We were required to sign up for at least one extracurricular activity for the remainder of the semester that would serve as our elective requirement. Naturally, we both waited until the last minute.

"I still think it's so weird that Keigo is such a famous Pro, now. He was just in our classes last year. That guy is growing up fast," Shinji points out as he leans back in the seat and pulls out his phone.

"Yeah," I mutter, cracking my knuckles against the steering wheel as I barely escape running a red light. I missed Kei. I hadn't seen him in person since he dropped me off at EraserMic's Agency. There was no telling when I would be able to see him again, but I was willing to be patient. I trusted him. I love much.




"Oof," I grunt as I'm lifted off of my feet and crushed in a giant hug. Even though Rue is a half a foot shorter than me, she has the strength of a rhinoceros. I just pulled into my parking space and said goodbye to Shinji and Yu when Rumi completely ambushed me.

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