Chapter 59: Just Like Old Times || Game Night (June 1, 2124)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter includes a few OCs that will be in the prequel/spinoff! I didn't get to explore their entire class as much in this main fic, but I tried to go a good job of introductions in here for them. Hopefully it's not too confusing or annoying. Thank you guys so much for being patient! I've been busy with finals and studying, but this fic is very much a priority in my life. Especially considering I have the layout of the last fifteen chapters. I hope you enjoy!Disclaimer: Yes I know you can't play Smash Ultimate on PC. No I don't care. This is the fuuuuuture 


I sigh and stare at the loading gray screen on the monitor as Discord boots up. Keigo is in one of the other rooms on the gaming floor, and I can vaguely hear him cursing as he tries to fiddle with his controller. I can't remember the last time I even touched a video game since I graduated. I just didn't have the time. I'm out of practice. I'll probably get my ass kicked and embarrass myself. To my chagrin, Keigo orchestrated a virtual "pre-reunion" reunion with some of our old classmates; we were all going to play Smash Ultimate online together with voice chat. Do some catching up, hanging out, typical bro stuff that we would do when we were at the Academy. To be honest, the only person I talked to since graduation, excluding Kei, Rue, Ryuko, and Kenji, was Shinji. Some of our classmates became sidekicks (like Ciri Otonari: AKA, Selkie's sidekick: Sirius, or Kaoruko Awata: AKA Sir Nighteye's sidekick: Bubble Girl), some of them ended up in regular jobs (Kioshi Amajiki stepped down from being recognized as a Pro to become a conservationist,; she was allowed to use her Quirk with restraints and regulations), but, most of us remained on the path of Pro Heroes. The majority of my classmates had siblings Shoto's age that attended UA. I open up the PHTA Class 2119 yearbook in my lap as I wait for the computer to load.


Amari Ashido, also known as Pro Hero: E.T., was the third coolest guy in our class, behind Keigo and Shinji. He was popular, versatile, and specialized in close-combat and Quirk-based support. His slime Quirk was the equivalent of spitting acid, except it shot out of his hands and fingertips. Truth be told, I only ever hung out with him because Shinji invited me to tag along. That's as much as I branched out at the Academy. When I wasn't with Rue, I was with Shinji; both of them essentially dragged me along like I was their adopted introvert...that is...until I got drunk. Then, I was the life of the fucking party. I didn't have any beef with Amari. He never picked on me. As far as I know, he never facilitated any of the rumors. He never gave me a side-eye or anything like that. The other three that were invited to the call...are a different story.

Hikari Monoma was almost as outspoken as Yu, and the two butted heads throughout our years at the Academy. It was borderline entertaining but mostly annoying. Hikari, more famously known as Pro Hero: Trickster, was born with Mimic. Their Quirk harnessed visual data involving Quirks and combat, allowing Hikari to be an even match for any opponent. That is...if he had the physical capacity. They tried using their Quirk on Keigo, only to discover they suck at flying. Hikari Monoma bought into the rumors...but seemed slightly more accepting. They never outright gave me any grief.

Itsuka Tsuburaba and Miyuki Sero: Pro Heroes CO2 and Plaster. Their Quirks are Solid Air and Tape, respectively. Tsuburaba looks like a child next to his best friend, who is an entire half-foot taller. If I wasn't going to Miss Kaminari's office with Geten, I was going with Sero. Our rivalry was mostly harsh insults and pranks that got out of hand, but...he never failed to piss me off. Granted, I would egg him on, lying in wait to seek vengeance tenfold. Itsuka was Miyuki's lackey, following him around like a lost puppy. The two had a friendship as solid as Kei and Rue's. Unfortunately, the two of them were good friends with Amari...who was essentially Shinji's best friend. And so, because Hikari, Itsuka, and Miyuki were in Amari's group, they were in Shinji's...meaning there were a lot of semi-forced hangouts. Sometimes the tension was nonexistent. I'll admit, there were plenty of times we all got along. I never wanted to start things; I preferred to finish them. Still, I haven't spoken to any of them...and now Keigo and I are publically planning to get married. We were so deep in the closet at the Academy, and I'm anxious to see if I'm going to have to hold my tongue. We're all older now; surely everyone has grown up.

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