Chapter 25: Feelings Fucking Suck (June 3, 2119)

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The four of us eat breakfast in complete silence, and my anxiety is not having it. It's taking everything in me to not just leave the table and walk outside. I have no idea whether they're together, mortal enemies, or just plain friends; the tension is unbearable. Keigo isn't even attempting to mask his curiosity; he hasn't touched his cereal and is wildly looking from Rumi to Ryuko. I can tell that the suspense is killing him. I rub the sleep from my eyes and reach for the box of Lucky Charms to pour myself more cereal when I notice a single tear sliding down Rue's face as she stares into her bowl. 'Oh no.'

"Usagiyama, you okay?" I clear my throat as I hesitantly pour my cereal. She immediately snaps her head up and blankly looks at me with a confused expression.

"Yeah, why?" She calmly asks.

"You're crying," I mutter; you could hear a pin drop in the room. Rue rubs the side of her face with her hand and stares at the wet streak on her palm.

"Huh, I guess I am," She sniffs before flashing a pained smile.

"I'm going for a walk," Ryuko sighs sadly before getting up and walking down the stairs.

"I'll come with you!" Keigo smiles halfheartedly and darts after her, leaving me and Rue alone. As soon as we hear the front door slam, Rue bursts into tears and puts her forehead on the table.

"This was such a stupid idea! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid Rue!" She mumbles, slamming her fist and shaking the entire table.

"What'd that table ever do to you?" I laugh, attempting to cheer her up; I fail miserably.

"I should've waited. I should've just waited," She groans, wiping her tears away as she sits up, her ears drooping like a lost puppy. My fake smile disappears completely, and I feel my heart twist. I'd never seen her like this before...I hated it. I get up from my seat and walk over to sit next to her, awkwardly putting my arm around her as she dissolves into sobs once more.

"It''s okay, Rue. It's gonna be okay," I reassure her, but my words falter.

"You wanna know the worst part? She actually likes me back. She's just not ready yet. I might've ruined everything , Todoroki. Why did I have to just go for it?!" She snivels, putting her head in her hands. I grunt as she headbutts me in the chest, crying into the front of my hoodie. Rue was always so strong and fearless; I'd never imagined seeing this side of her. In truth, it's making me feel like crying, too. She seems completely broken. I tentatively wrap my arms around her in a hug and trace circles on her back.

"I'm sorry," I whisper as her gasps slow down and she gains some of her composure. "I'm sorry." I smooth her ears down, and she suddenly breaks again, bawling even louder.

"This is hell. Feelings are hell. Why couldn't I just be a bad bitch," Rue cracks a smile through her tears, and I hug her tighter.

"You are a bad bitch. Bad bitches have hearts, too," I chuckle as I start tearing up.

"How'd you do it, Fire Hazard? How did you of all people woo Keigo?" She sniffs, pulling away, wiping her tears, and smearing her mascara on my hoodie. I lick my thumb and wipe the makeup off with one hand while I brush the tear off my cheek with the other.

"I'm just lucky, I guess," I mutter as she takes deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

"I need a drink," She growls, hopping up and stumbling behind the minibar.

"We have drinks?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Came with the house," She replies before brandishing two bottles of Rosé and Captain Morgan.

PHOENIX: A Pro Hero Toya Todoroki AUWhere stories live. Discover now