Chapter 32: Scandal || Frigid Hero: Iceman (January 23, 2120)

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"FIRE HAZARD! TURN ON THE NEWS RIGHT NOW! " Rue screams as she comes barreling into the Penthouse. For once, Keigo is still the one asleep in bed while I got up early to make breakfast. I yawn as I flip the pancakes in the skillet, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Usagiyama, it is too early for you to be barging in here making demands. Remote's on the couch," I grumble, "You want a pancake?"

"I DON'T CARE! OH MY GOD! YOU ARE GONNA FREAK THE FUCK OUT!" She exclaims, scrambling for the remote and turning on the flat-screen TV in the living room; the news station blares.

"We are coming to you live from Hosu City where an absolute massacre of low-level criminals has occurred within the past two hours," The news reporter notes, and I snap my head up from cooking, staring intently at the screen. The entire city block is frozen solid, and mangled icy bodies litter the streets. It looked like a giant gang fight or two had broken out, but I knew that ice all too well.

"No," I whisper, dissipating my flames so I don't burn the food while I'm distracted. I walk over to stand Rue, whose ears are twitching anxiously.

"I'm gonna go wake up Keigo," She mutters promptly before dashing toward our bedroom. I remain stock still, my eyes glued to the TV as the camera pans over the blocks of ice that stretch for miles.

"We have just discovered the identity of the domestic terrorist and will be streaming footage of the incident as captured by a bystander," The news anchor relays before the scene shifts to a video feed from someone's phone. As expected, Kenji Geten, my rival from P.H.T.A., shows up on the footage, clear as day.

"Kenji Geten, better known as a rookie pro, Frigid Hero: Iceman, appears to be behind this heinous attack," The reporter explains as the video footage shows Geten wreaking havoc on the gang members, not bothering to show mercy.

"Typical," I snarl under my breath. Out of everyone we went to school with, Geten was the one I always suspected would turn into a villain. He had the charisma, the power, and the mindset. In truth, part of me feels relieved and overjoyed; now, I can legally beat his ass.

"What's all the commotion about?" Keigo groggily murmurs as Rue drags him into the living room, and his expression changes when he sees the headline.

"Oh my God. Is that-?" He asks before I cut him off.

"Yep. That's the prick I always ranted about. Iceman: the Frigid Bitch," I spit, scratching my elbow in anticipation.

' We should try to find him and bring him to justice. We should be on our way to Hosu right now,' I think impatiently as Keigo snatches one of the pancakes I set on the bar for him.

"So, we going? Or did you just interrupt me to let me know I can't light that cocksucker on fire?" I ask Rue, who shrugs.

"We don't have clear-cut jurisdiction to do that, buuuuuut, odds are he will give us no choice but to defend ourselves. We can at least try to find him," She remarks before her phone buzzes on her hip. As soon as she answers it, Ryuko's voice screams through the speaker, asking if we've seen the news; Shinji calls Kei moments later with the same response. I guess I'm the only one of our classmates who isn't shocked at the new development.


"Heeeere, Icy Icy Icy. Why don't you come on out and let it go, Elsa?" I catcall as I stalk through the slick, frozen streets. The three of us split up upon arriving in Hosu once Keigo got the green light from the Commission.


I know I'm being watched. I can hear the icicles tinkling against one another; I don't know if it's him, but something is just out of my vision. I subtly activate my Quirk, letting the gray lines in my suit glow cerulean, and my collar ignites.

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