Chapter 69: Bachelor(s) Party (August 8, 2125)

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Warning: Lots of drunk shenanigans in this chapter and the next one. Lots of innuendo. 


I was getting married in two weeks. What the hell happened to me? Unfortunately, Enji was also getting out on parole in two weeks. The same fucking day. Of course. It was just my luck; my twisted form of fate. Everyone told me it would all work out, but I had this sick feeling in my gut that he was gonna show. Fuyumi and Rumi had finalized everything. We were getting married in the most cliché place ever...a forest villa that had a perfect view of Mount Fuji. The wedding would be outside, and the reception would be held in the monumental villa afterward. After much deliberation, we had finally settled on the wedding party. Natsuo is going to be my best man, and Shinji, Moe, Fuyumi, and Ryuko are my groomspeople. Rue, obviously, is Keigo's best woman, and he hand-picked Jin Bubaigawara, Amari Ashido, Kioshi Amajiki, and Magne (who now has legally changed her first name to Kiimiko) as his groomspeople. Truth be told, Magne was a last-minute choice, but he'd apparently promised her a spot in the wedding while she and Jin rescued him from the Liberation hideout. Granted, Kei was obscenely drugged at the time, but she still held him to his word. Meanwhile, Shoto and Toga will act as our flower girl and ring-bearer, considering they're too young to be in the wedding party. They're technically too old for it by traditional standards, but to hell with tradition. This is our wedding. We're going to make it whatever the fuck we want. All I know is we're going to have fun. A room filled with literally the only people in the world that I give a shit about, celebrating being legally bound to my true love. What a concept. Miss Kaminari is even gonna give a speech. It's wild.

We'd booked a beachfront house for two nights in Kamakura, and it truly feels like something out of a movie. The place was huge. The beach house had a bonfire on the roof, a bar in the kitchen that we stocked with every brand under the sun, and a pool with a hot tub. Additionally, this place came with a fancy schmancy yacht that was docked right beside the house, bobbing every so often with the waves. Us guys slept on one floor while the girls slept on another, and as the night grew on, the two parties had separated. All of the girls were drinking inside while we all hung out on the private beach. Nats and I had built a fire, and the homies and I are all sitting around it beneath the stars; Kei and I lounge on a white-painted wooden bench while the rest of the crew stole lawn chairs. We can hear the girls screaming and giggling every so often from inside. Kei and I just wanted everyone to have fun and bond, so it didn't matter what we all did as long as everyone was safe and happy.

"Two weeks," Shinji whistles as he puts his hands behind his head, "Didn't think it would happen so fast."

"Not fast enough," I smirk as I finish off my can of hard cider. I'd already lost count of how much alcohol I've sucked into my system, but I don't think it's been too much. I can barely feel it yet. With Keigo preferring things with lower alcohol content, most of it just tasted like flavored water to me. My goal is to make it the whole night without puking...but we'll see how long that lasts.

"I think it's the perfect time to get married! LET'S GET YOU TWO DOWN TO THE COURTHOUSE NOW! Ahem, sorry," Jin sheepishly apologizes when he marginally splits, but I wave my hand.

"No apology needed, Bubaigawara. Safe space," I yawn, crushing the empty aluminum can in my hand before chucking it into the pile beside the fire.

"We better clean this all up when we're done or Kioshi is gonna go ballistic," Keigo huffs with a content smirk, and Amari crosses his arms over his chest.

"Of course we're gonna clean it up. Don't you want your deposit back?" He quips, and Kei shrugs.

"Alright. Time for the drinking games. Everyone go around and say their favorite thing about Toya and their favorite thing about Keigo," Shinji snickers, "I'll go first. Toya, I love how once you set your mind to something, it is almost impossible to get you to give up. Keigo, I don't know how, but you have both the worst and the best fashion sense I've ever seen."

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