Chapter 29: The Real World (September 27, 2119)

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"Shota...I don't think this is a good idea," Present Mic's voice whispers in the hallway outside my room, and my eyes snap open. It's two o'clock in the morning according to the clock on the wall, and I groggily sit up.

"Honey, if you can't handle it, go back to bed. It's not fair. It wasn't fair to us, and I'm not going to let it happen to someone else. The Commission doesn't input it in the curriculum because they claim it's too harsh of a reality. They're never prepared. It is one of the most vital subjects that no kid should have to deal with on their own. This kid has gotten beaten within an inch of his own life before; I think he can handle it," EraserHead's voice drones on. I yawn and blink, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I stretch.

"Mentally?" Mic adds, and I hear Aizawa snort:
"He's going to have to. We can only hope he will never have to go through what we did."

'What the hell are they talking about?' I think as I hear their voices approaching my door.

"Goodnight, Shota," Present Mic sadly remarks, and I hear only one pair of footsteps nearing my guest room. Without warning, my door flings open, and light floods the small room, making me wince.

"Get up. We're having a lesson. Now," Aizawa orders, and I immediately jump out of bed.

"Do I need to suit up, sir?" I blink rapidly, and the tired Pro shakes his head.

"Just follow me."


EraserHead takes me down the stairwell into a dark room without a word. I wasn't sure exactly what we were doing today, but...he insisted it was an important part of the field course.

"Sit down," Aizawa growls, and I silently take a seat at the table. The Pro pulls out a laptop from his cloak and sets it on the table before opening it and typing erratically. The projector lowers from the ceiling and flashes a bright light against the wall. Slowly, the light begins to form an image. It's a headshot of a person...a kid about Fuyumi's age. He has a shock of light blue hair that stands up just like Shinso's, and his skin is tanned and weathered. He sports a brown flight jacket similar to Keigo's, a small rectangular bandage across the bridge of his nose, and a wooden staff.

"Do you know who this is?" Eraser breaks the awkward silence, and I shuffle nervously in my seat. I've never seen this man in my entire life, yet he seems to hold overwhelming importance to the two Pros.

"Should I?" I mutter, and Aizawa crosses his arms emotionlessly.

"Should you?" He retorts.

Silence . Aizawa stares me down intensely, and I feel like I'm going to disintegrate under his powerful gaze.

"To put it mildly. You would know who this is if he survived his work-study," He says flatly. My heart skips a beat.

"Uh..." I stutter, cracking my knuckles anxiously.

"This. This was one of my closest friends. Oboro Shirakumo. He died in a villain attack during our work-studies at UA. Right in front of me. This . This is what they don't teach you in those little hero courses. They don't tell you that your friends might die horribly right in front of you. And there's nothing you can do about it," Eraser seems unstable, his voice wavering.

'I...I can't imagine that see one of your best friends die in front of you...he must've felt so helpless.'

"H-how did it-" I start, and Aizawa cuts me off.

"He died during our second year. He was protecting children from falling rubble, and his head was smashed to pieces. He was only seventeen. Oboro was one of the most altruistic, selfless people I've ever known. He should never have died, but the Commission doesn't train us properly. You need to make sure that you are always available for backup, no matter your orders. Never fight alone. Not unless you have no choice. No one should be left to die alone. It is necessary to put your life on the line for others, but to have your whole life ahead of you, and for it to be snatched disgusting."

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