Chapter 20: Under The Stars (January 17-18, 2119)

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I'm jolted awake by the sound of "I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet Boys blasting from my phone. Irritated, I grab my phone and click the green button as I hold it to my ear.

"Whaaaaat?" I yawn, rubbing my eyes.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE OFFICIALLY A LEGAL ADULT!!!!!" Keigo's voice screams through the speaker, and I grimace.

"Keigo, it''s not my birthday for like another three hours. I wanted to sleep in for my birthday," I groan.

"Well, you're getting your present now. Come to the roof. Bring something warm."



I stretch as I open the door at the top of the stairwell that leads to the rooftop, scratching my head as I see Keigo beaming near the edge. In his hands, he holds a pair of goggles and headphones that mimic his own support items, as well as a gigantic fluffy jacket that looks similar to his own, except this is black.

"Wha-what is all this?" I yawn as I let the door close behind me and sleepily shuffle to him. I'd been training with Rue and Shinji all day, so I was utterly exhausted. He presses all the gear into my hands.

"It's your surprise. Just trust me. This is gonna be so much fun. Here, put this on, too. And don't take it off until I tell you," He stammers as he pulls a blindfold from his pocket. I sigh and slip on the suffocating jacket before putting on the headphones, blindfold, and visor.

"You know I won't be able to really hear you now, right?" My own voice echoes in my ears from the headphones.

"They're to make sure you don't lose your hearing when I break the sound barrier," His muffled voice cracks through the headphones. I guess they're also connected to a mic.

"Wait, when you do what ?" I snap as I feel him grab me and pick me up.

"Hold on tight, Toya," He laughs before we suddenly launch in the air, and I hold on for dear life.



I have no idea how long we've been flying for, but it feels like forever . I'm eternally thankful that I can't see past the black cloth, otherwise, I probably would've gotten sick the entire way. The air has gotten significantly frigid, and, while the cold is usually comforting to me, this is a new level of freezing. I can feel Keigo shivering as I cling to him, not daring to let go. I don't even wanna think about how high up we probably are. Suddenly, I sense Keigo slowing down, and I finally feel my feet touch solid ground. I take off my headphones and pull off the visor, keeping my blindfold on.

"Where the hell are we?" I mutter as I struggle to stand.

"Russia," Keigo replies, completely calm.

" RUSSIA?!" I blurt, "How long did the flight even take?!"

"Hmmm, about three hours. I've been breaking the sound barrier in my free time. Oh, you can take off your blindfold now," He answers nonchalantly.

"What could we possibly be doing in Russia ?" I growl as I scramble to claw off my blindfold. As soon as the black cloth leaves my eyes, my breath is taken away.

"Happy Birthday, Toya," Keigo whispers to me, putting his head on my shoulder as I stare up at the sky in awe.

"Wow," I whisper. We're on the top of some mountain peak that overlooks a snow-capped forest, but the midnight sky is splattered with millions of stars and the dancing aurora borealis. The twinkling starlight serves as a beautiful backdrop for the flickering, brilliant display of greens, blues, and purples that ripple across the night sky. It's the most magnificent scene I've ever witnessed in my entire life.

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