Chapter 41: New Year's Eve (December 31, 2123)

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I freeze, and anger boils in my blood


The Pro phone rings again; only heroes that Team PHOENIX has exclusively worked with have the number. I know exactly who it is. She calls at least once a week now. I'm sitting on the couch in the "common space" floor in the living room, scrolling on my phone. Keigo is on the same floor on the other side of the building, setting up for our New Years' party in one of the bigger living spaces, and Rue is sitting in the brown recliner right across from me. The phone rests on the table between us.


I glare at Rue as she stares at me anxiously, her eyes darting from me to the phone over and over again. I give her a harsh look, and her eyes are pleading.

"Don't," I deadpan, narrowing my gaze; I can see her slowly inching her way to the edge of the recliner, preparing to leap for the phone.


"Rue. I swear to God. Don't. Fucking. Move," I mutter, feeling my Quirk flare up. I take a deep breath to keep myself in check.



The phone went to voicemail. You could hear a pin drop in the room.

"TOYAAAAAAAA! I NEED YOUR HELP!" Keigo screams at the top of his lungs so I can hear him, and I sigh in relief as I get up off of the couch. I'm almost to the threshold that leads into the hallway when:

I turn on my heel and sprint towards the phone right as Rumi picks it up and answers it.

"RYUK-" Rumi squeals before I barrel into her, tackling her onto the couch as I scramble for the phone.

"GIVE IT!" I snarl as she pulls the phone out of my reach, trying to kick me off. I grunt as she knees me in the gut, flinging me off of her and making me hit the wall.

"I HEARD A CRASH! YOU GUYS BETTER NOT BE MAKING A MESS!" Keigo's voice echoes through the long hallway and into the room. I immediately vault off of the wall and pounce on her again.

"Rumi? Is something wrong?" Ryuko's voice flits through the speaker of the phone, and it sends me into an overprotective rage.

"RUMI! STOP DICKING AROUND!" I spit harshly as she tries to push me away, and I carefully avoid her powerful legs.

"Toya, please !" Rue whines, struggling against my grip as I grab hold of her arm and snatch the phone before darting away. I catch my breath as Rue leers at me from the couch, and I prop myself up against the wall before holding the phone up to my ear.

"Mirko is doing just fine without you, bitch. Stop calling," I seethe before hanging up the phone.

"Toya. I'm a grown woman. This is ridiculous. I can make my own decisions!" Rumi says indignantly, rolling her eyes at me.

"Going back to your toxic ex is a dumb decision!" I retort, brushing the wrinkles out of my button-up shirt from the tussle. I truly loved Ryuko at one point, but...being a Pro had changed her...and not for the better. The fame went to her head...and I didn't want Rue caught in the crossfire. "You're my best friend. I'm sorry that I have better standards for you than you do. You deserve better, Rumi."

"What if I don't want better?" Rumi counters, standing up and walking to the mirror above the fireplace to fix her hair.
"Can I get that in writing?" I sarcastically remark as I set the phone back on the table.

PHOENIX: A Pro Hero Toya Todoroki AUWhere stories live. Discover now