Chapter 72: The Honeymoon Montage (August 22-29 2125)

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Author's Note: SURPRISE! ONE MORE CHAPTER FOR PRIDE MONTH! Warning: slight innuendo and sexual situations, but mostly pure frickin fluff. I was gonna wait until August to post this one, but I think I'll need the two extra months to prepare for what I'm writing after this. The final arc is a doozy. Hope y'all enjoy!!


I grunt as I drag our bags into the Walt Disney Suite of the Tokyo Disneyland Hotel. Kei and I would be staying here for a whole week, and, oh boy had we outdone ourselves. The Suite is massive , complete with a kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom. Keigo starts spinning around as he takes in the intricate furnishings, leading me through the suite until we reach the bedroom, past an elegant Mickey Mouse statue. I sigh as I dramatically set the bags down, and Keigo flops onto the bed, a few feathers falling off of his wings as his back hits the plush mattress.

"Oh, babe. It's so soft. You're gonna love this!" Keigo grins as he kicks off his shoes. I raise my eyebrow and take off the white jacket, stretching and yawning. It's the middle of the night at this point, and we haven't slept since the night before the wedding. I lay down beside him and immediately sink into the soft bedding. My eyelids flutter at the gentle sensation; it feels like I'm on a cloud.

"Shiiiit. This is nice," I chuckle under my breath as Keigo shrugs his jacket off; his feathers snatch it from him and hang it on the coat rack by the door.

"You're my husband ," Keigo grins as he walks his fingers up the buttons of my shirt until he boops me on the nose. I can't help but smile as I gaze at the rings on our fingers before pulling him into a cuddle.

"I love you so much," I whisper blissfully, and I feel Kei smiling against the flesh on my neck.

"I love you too. Let's get some rest."


"AGAIN! AGAIN!" Keigo cackles as we get off of The Happy Ride with Baymax for the fourth time in a row. Kei forced me into getting us matching groom Mickey Ears that said "Happily Ever After" on the ears, and if it weren't for the chinstrap, they would've flown off on the ride. We're both in athletic shorts and Disney T-shirts, with Kei wearing a Hercules shirt and me wearing a Meg shirt that goes with it.

I gulp, sweating and a bit nauseous as Keigo and I walk out of the exit. I grab the railing, trying to gauge my bearings. Four times in a row was too many times.

"C'mon, Toya. You're not tapping out already on rides are you?" Kei whines, his voice edging on sarcasm but also on concern.

"Just...need a quick break," I stammer, trying not to puke. Kei intertwines his fingers with mine as he leads me off of the path over to a side bench. I put my hands on my knees, leaning back as I try to ease the nausea and dizziness induced by the ride. Keigo sits down beside me, his wing gently caressing my back as he presses a tender kiss to my cheek. I breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling until I feel normal again. A sigh of relief escapes my lips when I finally get a grip.

"Okay. I'm feeling better," I admit, and Keigo claps me on the shoulder.

"Ready to head on over to Space Mountain?" Keigo beams hopefully, and I shrug.

"Yeah, I guess."

Kei takes my hand and helps me off the bench, his eyes shining in the sunlight as he pulls me toward the rollercoaster.



It's our second night in the hotel, and, despite only riding half of the rides, I'd managed to avoid getting sick. I'd actually had a lot of fun. We'd only checked out the World Bazaar and Tomorrowland, so there was plenty to explore. Kei also wants to check out DisneySea during our last few days here. Now, after having dinner at one of the futuristic diners, we'd come back to the hotel room to relax and turn in. Keigo insisted that we try out the jets in the bathtub, saying he wanted to try something out...some sort of wedding gift from Rue. Whatever it is, he's excited about it.

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