Chapter 24: Getaway (June 2, 2119)

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"Rue. You can't be serious."

"I'm dead serious."

"I...I don't know."

"C'mon, Fire Hazard. I don't wanna do my first date with her alone. Please can we make it a double date with you and Featherbrain? It's kind of too late because...that's what I basically told her we're doing."

"Ugggggh. Fffffiiiiine ," I grumble, pulling my bright blue hood over my head and pulling the string tight before crossing my arms. The two of us are walking back to the dorms from the cafeteria; this is one of the only Fridays we have off for the summer semester, so the rest of the day is entirely free.

"AHHHH! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Rue squeals before grabbing me and jumping up and down.

"What did you plan on the four of us doing anyway?" I mutter as she sets me down.

"Welllll. I kind of booked us an Airbnb in Kamakura so we could have a weekend at the beach," She shrugs, and I groan.

"Dude, I don't even know if Kei has work this weekend or not."
"He doesn't!" A voice exclaims in my ear, and I jump practically five feet in the air.

" JESUS CHRIST, KEIGO! " I scream as I feel my heartbeat calming down. I turn to see my boyfriend smiling like the cat that ate the canary.

"Rumi and I planned this behind your back. Not sorry because it's gonna be so fun!" He flashes a cheeky grin, and I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Everyone always takes a senior trip during the summer semester anyway! It's gonna be awesome !" Rue hops excitedly.

"Hopefully. But, it should definitely be awesome," Keigo adds, and I raise my eyebrow.

"What do you mean hopefully ?" I pry, and Rumi's facial expression changes on a dime.

"Oh. Did you not tell him the truth, Hopscotch?" Keigo's eyes narrow at his best friend, and she sheepishly scratches her ears.

"Uh...well... I haven't exactly asked her out yet. Or told her that I like her. Or that this is supposed to be a romantic date-type of vacation," Rue gulps nervously, and I palm my forehead.

"Rumi Usagiyama. Do you realize how fucking awkward it'll be if she rejects you and we have to stay in the same house for practically three days?" I grumble, but Keigo punches me hard in the arm.

"She'd be insane to say no. So, there won't be any awkwardness at all. Don't worry about a single thing. I am your personal wing man. Haha, get it?" Keigo laughs with a bright smile, and I roll my eyes.

"Let me go pack my things. I gotta go get my car keys," I yawn as we reach the door to the dorm building, but Rue instantly pipes up:

"Nuh-uh, Fire Hazard. I'm driving us! There's no way we can fit everything in your car."


"Rue, if you don't stop swerving you're gonna regret it," I groan as we speed through the streets in Rue's bright red Mazda. I keep my eyes squeezed shut as I shove my face into the small AC vent, letting the cool air ease my nausea. The only reason I didn't get carsick on Halloween was that I had my memories to distract me; I hated riding in other people's cars. If anyone other than me was behind the wheel, my stomach instantly turned against me.

"We're almost there, Toya," Keigo whispers comfortingly, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"HEY! WATCH IT, DIPSHIT! I HAVE RIGHT OF WAY!" Rumi screams, shaking her fist at an irresponsible driver.

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