CH 53: The Liberation Arc: Part One || When Hell Freezes Over (May 28, 2124)

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Today is the final day of Shoto's internship, and, despite all my anxieties, I think I've done pretty well. Unfortunately, when Rumi came home a few days ago, Shoto learned that his friend, Izuku Midoriya, was in the hospital with minimal injuries, along with his other classmate, Iida Tenya; it turns out they were caught in the crossfire of the Hero-Killer operation. Thankfully, Rue and Ryuko were able to assist with the villain's capture, and they even made the news for it. Kei and I were glad to have her back, and the Agency felt whole again. Shoto and Tokoyami have been exceptional interns, and, though my paranoia since that first night hasn't faded, I'm glad that we've made it through the week without any roadblocks. Still...I know what I saw...who I saw. Surely I can't be that crazy. Nonetheless, there were no reports of any Meta Liberators activity in the recent news; it was incredibly unsettling, but Keigo reassured me that it was a good thing. I know better.


I twist the Tungsten band on my left ring finger as I sail through the air, flames spurting out of my hands and my boots.

"C'MON, SHO! YOU GOTTA KEEP UP!" I smile triumphantly as I glance behind me to see my younger brother struggling to match my pace. He hasn't entirely mastered flying with his fire and ice yet, considering he can't use one element for both sides, which severely affects his trajectory and balance.

This morning, we all woke up to several minor earthquakes, and a handful of heroes had been dispatched to assist with any injured or missing persons within the designated area. Now that it's the middle of the day, Shoto and I volunteered to polish off the rescue search and ensure nothing had been overlooked. I can see a partially collapsed building in the distance, and I wave to Shoto to follow me as I rocket toward it. The flames in my boots slowly fizzle out as I lower myself to the ground. The area looks deserted, and a cool breeze faintly blows through the air.

"It seems pretty empty," Shoto remarks as he stops at my side, and I nod, scanning for any signs of life.

Suddenly, the temperature drops, and a voice I haven't heard in years echoes throughout the vacant block.

"So, we meet again, Wielder of the Blue Flame."

My heart stops.

I thrust my arms out without a second thought, encasing Shoto and I in a column of continuously rising blue flames.

"TOYA, WHA-?!" Shoto starts to yell in terror and confusion, but I harshly cut him off as I open the back of the column, parting the flames.

"SHOTO, GO BACK TO THE AGENCY," I call above the roaring flames; I can hear faint hissing in the air. Without a doubt, Geten is hurling piercing icicles at the two of us, but I know that I'm the one he wants.

"What? I can help you with the villain! This is part of the internshi-" He starts to protest, and the side of my face ignites from my surge of emotions.

"NOW! NON-NEGOTIABLE!" I order, and Shoto goes dead quiet before nodding. I'm not letting Geten anywhere near Shoto. He kills without worry; I don't want my little brother to be caught in the line of fire. Shoto looks from me to my mortal enemy before nodding and running off; I move the flames around me to create an escape path for Shoto as he runs. The cerulean wall closes behind me, leaving me exposed. I look up at the sky to see Geten floating on his signature blocks of ice; he makes an amused noise.

"I see you've made quite the name for yourself. Now that everyone knows you're in bed with the Number Two Hero, it's obvious you were never on the level playing field from the beginning. Of course, I already knew that," Geten trills as his ice dragon begins to take shape beneath him. Frozen water surges from the pipes beneath the broken asphalt, building the beast.

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