Chapter 27: Otis (September 21-22, 2119)

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After dropping off Yu and Shinji, I parallel park in front of the EraserMic Agency and grab my bags out of the trunk. As soon as I slam it shut, Shinso comes running out of the building in an oversized puffy black coat.

"Third-Degree! You're back! You've gotta help me!" He blabbers urgently, his eyes wide.

"What's up, kid?" I stretch as I sling my duffel and my bookbag over my shoulders.

"It's Otis!" He exclaims with terror in his voice.

"Otis?" I cock my head. "Am I supposed to know Otis?"

"Slasher's little brother! He's missing! I think he got out by mistake!" Hitoshi panics, twiddling his thumbs anxiously and jumping from foot to foot. He's wildly looking left and right across the sidewalk, searching desperately.

'Ohhhh. Otis is a cat,' I realize, adjusting my bags' straps.

"Look, kid, your dads have security cameras outside. Let's just check those, and then we can go from there," I reassure him as I walk up to the buzzer.


Present Mic's synthetic voice rings out when I press the button, and the intimidating steel doors clunk open. Shinso rushes past me, almost knocking me over as he zips behind Miss Aoki's secretary desk. I briskly walk over and sit in the chair as I set my bags down on the plush carpeted portion of the floor. Shinso boots up the computer, his eyes continuously darting to look at the door.

"Are...are your dads even home?" I raise my eyebrow, and the kid gives me a nervous smile.

"Not exactly . And Otis is Dad's favorite kitten. Because...because he has a Quirk..." Shinso trails off, and my heart skips a beat.

"What?! What do you mean he has a Quirk? That's so rare for animals to have them! That's practically unheard of!" I ramble, completely stunned. The only animal I knew that had a Quirk was UA's principal. He was some kind of super-intelligent dog-mouse-thing.

"We just got him a couple of months ago. He's very curious and from the same family as Slasher. I'm toast if he finds out I let him outside!" He exclaims, pulling at the collar of his coat.

"Which one?" I snort, and the kid just rolls his eyes.

"I said Dad, not Papa."

"That doesn't help me," I mutter as I click on the "Log In" button.

"Scary eyes," Shinso replies flatly, and my heart stops. I did not want to see EraserHead pissed off.

"Crud, dude, we better move. What's the password?" I ask, and he rubs his chin, deep in thought.

"Umm, try SmallMight420. No spaces. Two capitals."

I type it in, only to be met with an error message. "Any other ideas?" I ask as he leans forward, looking at the screen. He slides the keyboard away from me and types in "CrazyCatSwag", and the screen lights up green before logging in to the interface. I click on the security camera icon and scroll to footage from earlier in the day. Sure enough, about an hour ago, a small, adorable black kitten ran out of the giant metal doors.

"Is that Otis?" I point to the screen.

"Yup," He groans, palming his forehead and rubbing the bags beneath his insomniac eyes. "We have to find him before they get back from their trip. They're flying back in from Kyushu soon; they had some meeting there with some Pro."

"Kyushu?" I raise my eyebrow, a sly grin on my face. "Any idea who the Pro was?"

"He's some newer, younger guy. I think they mentioned something about him having wings?" Shinso scoffs, not seeming to think it's important. I smirk in triumph and open up the speed dial on my phone.

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