The Pollywog (Pt. 1)

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Steve and Ally left Hopper's cabin at the last hour of the day, just as Hopper was finally making his way back to fulfil his promise to El

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Steve and Ally left Hopper's cabin at the last hour of the day, just as Hopper was finally making his way back to fulfil his promise to El.

"Sorry, man," Steve apologised, giving the older man a pitying look as they passed by Hopper on the way out, "You're gonna have to bust out that triple decker ego extravaganza,"

Hopper sighed and ran a hand down his face, the other resting on his hip.

"Really? That bad?" Hopper asked guiltily.

Ally nodded.

"Oh, yeah. She's mad," the girl confirmed.

Hopper nodded and looked back to the cabin before clapping Steve on the shoulder.

"Well, thanks for coming, anyway,"

And they left the Chief to face the music.

The ride home was quiet. With nothing more than the sound of David Bowie's voice filtering through the car from Ally's mixtape. Ally smiled tiredly, turning up the volume of the song she liked so much. Heroes. It was a song that always made her feel peaceful and oddly content.

The girl didn't know if it was her now completely drained social battery or just the remnants of stress that lingered in her system, but Ally could already feel the hollow dip in her mood. The numbing absence of conscious feelings from her body was uncomfortable, especially since she was so used to the steady race of her heartbeat or glare of her anger every now and then. It was this secretly expressive and reactive personality of hers that made these occasional dips so very unsettling for her. It was like someone was laying a wet-blanket of depression over her for no apparent reason and she was absolutely powerless to stop it, something that deeply unsettled her and set her on edge.

"Steve," Ally's voice was just above a whisper as she finally spoke after such long moments of silence.

"Yeah?" The older boy answered, eyes not leaving the road.

"You deserve better than Nancy," Ally stated, tiredly glancing up at his side profile in her fatigue-induced state, "Nancy... she's great but she isn't the one for you. And I think you know that,"

Steve sighed, swallowing the lump in his throat. He really didn't want to have this conversation with his little sister of all people but, knowing the girl could be strangely wise, he opted to hear her out.

"You really think that?" Steve asked curiously.

Ally nodded sluggishly, her words slowly slurring together.

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