Chapter 11

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On and an island named Manil, a doctor was looking over a little girl. A stethoscope was pressed on her chest. "Alright now cough for me." The doctor requested.

She coughed. The doctor listened for a moment before looking up a moment before looking up at the girl's mother. "Good news, it's just a chest cold." The doctor told the mother.

"Oh, thank you doctor." The mother told the doctor in gratitude.

Before the doctor could respond a loud knock came form the front door. "This is the marines open the door."

"I must take my leave, point them towards the window." The doctor told her before running and jumping out an open window.

"He went out there." The woman shouted.

The doctor looked around while he was running taking in the numerous shacks used as homes for the countries poor and desolate. "Stop right there." A marine ordered.

The doctor looked behind themselves to see two marines pointing their rifles at the doctor. The doctor took a quick right and quickly climbed up a small building three shack down. The doctor kept running and jumping on top of the building avoiding any patrols of marines.

Once the doctor was sure that they were safe they sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. They sat down on the roof of a dilapidated shack. 'The marines are showing up more and more frequently.' They thought.

They looked down towards the ocean and saw the port, beach, the mansions and palace, the gate that separates the slums from the mansions and palace, and the small marine base. 'What are you planning Rodrigo?'

On the other side of the island the crew of the Slithering Snake were navigating the rainforest. Atlanta was cutting vines and branches to clear a path, Truffle was right behind her, William was looking over the map and compass to direct them, and Leah was carrying supplies for the crew to survive. Leah was looking around eyeing and scaring any large animal that shows interest in eating them. The four continued walking until they found a small cabin. "Huh?" The four thought.

"Kind of odd to have a cabin in the middle of the rain forest." William stated bluntly.

"Say the guy who lived with his sister in the middle of nowhere?" Atlanta asked sarcastically.

"Regardless let us check to make sure that no one is there." Truffle suggested.

"Right!" Atlanta exclaimed walking towards the door before knocking on the door hard enough to topple the door down.

She turned to the crew sheepishly. "I don't think anyone is home though."

William squinted his eyes in a disbelieving glare. Leah smiled widely at this. Truffle in the meantime blushed deeply with a longing look on her face. "So, should we take a look inside?" Leah suggested.

Truffle smiled a little. "We walked here so might as well."

William still had the annoyed look on his face but followed the crew inside regardless of his own misgivings. The four looked around the cabin and saw that it was well furnished for one person and a small kitchen. Truffle explored the small kitchen. "After 4 hours of walking a dense jungle who want's dinner?" Truffle asked.

"Please." The three agreed.

Truffle then pulled out the supplies the crew brought with them. She then turned on the stove then started cooking. As she cooked none of them noticed a doctor walking towards the cabin. The doctor walked but noticed smoke and smelt meat being cooked. The doctor squatted a knife came out of each of their sleeves. They quietly creeped to the entrance to see the door on the floor. They looked up and saw four strange individuals.

Leah looked at the open door and saw the doctor with a knife in each of their hands. "Oh, sorry we let ourselves in we have been walking the forest for awhile and needed a place to rest."

The doctor's mouth was wide open seeing stranger in their home. After a moment or two the doctor composed themselves. "Two things, one who are you? Two what happened to my door?"

Atlanta gave the decor a sheepish look rubbing the back of her head. "I knocked the door a little too hard." She said laughing nervously.

"Knocked a little too hard." The doctor stated in disbelief before fainting.

The pirates looked down at the unconscious doctor. Truffle looked at her crew. "What should w do, I have never been in this situation before?" She asked confused.

Sorry that it took me over a month to get this chapter out. Thank you for reading leave a like and comment. 

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