Chapter 16

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Atlanta and Bakulaw were staring each other down. Bakulaw looked to the side and saw a small table. He quickly used his foot hand to grab the table and threw it at Atlanta. She pushed the table away only to receive a swinging kick to the face. Another punch/kick was blocked with the hilt of her hammer. She then spun the hammer knocking the upside-down gorilla man to the floor. The hammer swung down only for him to roll away creating a hole in the ground.

"You are strong!" He yelled.

She glared at the guardsman. She starts spinning the hammer around strong enough to produce gusts of air. She continued glaring at the SMILE fruit user silently. He started charging at the strong woman. Atlanta then used the momentum of the swing to hit him in the ribs sending him flying across the hallway.

Bakulaw tried to stand up but was finding it difficult to stand because of the broken ribs. 'Shit!' He thought.

'I need to play tis safe, I can't win in a fair fight?' He thought strategizing a plan to kill his opponent. 'I got it, I pretend to surrender, then when her guard is down, I will stab her in the spine.'

He looked up at the pirate, who was bouncing her hammer on her palm in an intimidating manner. Bakulaw gave her a scared look, then bowed low to the floor. "I Surrender!"

Atlanta's facial expression did not change. "The last blow you delivered broke my ribs and I can not keep fighting so please accept my surrender."

"Fine." She said turning away from him.

He packed and grinned. 'Now's my chance!' He thought before pulling out a dagger and jumping towards Atlanta.

Before he could reach the pirate, Atlanta swatted the guard to the ground hitting his broken ribs. She glared at him even harder. "Do you think I would fall for that?" She asked rhetorically.

"Had you actually been serious about your surrender you would have had a chance at recovering." She told him.

She pulled the hammer ready to swing it like a baseball bat. She swung it and sent the guard through a wall and flew to the ocean. A large splash could be seen from where she was standing. 'I should look for the others to see if anyone needs my help!'

With Hon, they were dodging attacks from the swordsman. Hon targeted a ligament on his opponent leg only to be intercepted by a sword swing. Hon quickly dodged each swing. The two stare at each taking deep 'breaths.'

"Walter, what is happening out there, it's madness."

"Hey we are trying to make a delicious omelet." Walter said dismissively. "We were hoping to keep you locked up until omelet has been fried like a good pork."

"Will you not use your food metaphors please." They yelled.

"So, I guess you want to fight for the rats of the slum then." He said solemnly charging at the doctor.

Hon got ready to dodge only for Walter to be hit by a flying hammer. They turned to see Atlanta run at Walter. She picked up her hammer and swung it hitting the swordsman through a wall.

"You, okay?" She asked.


"Good because Will needs your medical expertise." She said picking them up and taking them to the unconscious navigator.

Hon was gently placed on the ground on their feet allowing them to examen the crews navigator. "Okay broken nose, possible face fractures, and cracked ribs." They said pulling out her equipment from her backpack. "He will live I just need to take care of his injuries."

In foyer, Leah and Merrit were staring each other down. Leah sensing and hear the destruction on the palace decided to smirk. "Seems my crew have won." She said smugly.

"What?" He asked in disbelief. "There is no way that the King's guard would lose to some measly pirates."

"Well, my crew has, and I will defeat you." She said as small black sparks came from her sword.

 Hon is non-dinary so I am using They/them pronouns for them. Thank you for reading. I hope to update this story more frequently until chapter 20. I hope you all are having a great day.

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