Chapter 19

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The crew of the Slithering Snake was just relaxing on their way to the next island. The sky was blue not a cloud in the sky. Leah was napping, Atlanta was doing push ups with 1,000-pound weight on her back, Truffle was in the kitchen finishing her cooking, William was looking over the map with his compass, and Hon was fishing.

Truffle finished making lunch and walked to the deck seeing everyone relaxing. "Lunch is ready." She announced.

"Yeah!" Leah shouted.

Atlanta stopped her exercises and grabbed a towel to wipe herself off. Truffle stares at her standing still not noticing the crew trying to ger her attention until Hon lightly shook her shoulder. "Truffle." They said calmly.

Truffle blushed deeply. "I'm sorry... dinner is ready." She stammered.

Atlanta was smirking on the verge of giggling taking a plate of food. Once everyone had a plate of food, everyone started eating enjoying the weather. "Sorry that I could not catch any fish." Hon said taking a biter of her food.

"Don't worry, we have enough food to last a week." Truffle told them.

"This is delicious!" Leah shouted excitedly.

"Yeah, it is!" Atlanta shouted in agreement. "Thank you for the food."

"Thank you." Truffle said blushing deeply.

While they were eating a galleon was heading for them. Looking at the flag, they see a walrus head in front of cross bones. The giant pirate ship maneuvered it self next to the Slithering Snake. They all look up to see an army of pirates staring them down. "Ah hoi!" A loud voice shouted moving forward to edge of the galleon. He was big man of 6 feet, clean shaven, body of a bowling pin, and wearing a brown coat and pants. "Don't attempt to resist or we will blow your ship to the bottom of the ocean."

"Anyone know how to use the canons?" Leah asked calmly.

"No." Atlanta said equally calm.

"No." Truffle mumbled with food in her mouth.

"Why are you three so calm!" Hon and William shouted at them.

"I take it you two don't know how to use the canon?" Leah asked bluntly.

"No!" They shouted agitatedly.

"Alright men prepare to board!" The enemy captain ordered.

"Yeah!" His crew shouted.

"We could use a gunner and a marksman right about now." Leah said dreamily.

"They would literally have to fall from the sky." William said stress evident in his voice.

"They would have to fall from the sky." Hon said.

Not even a second later, a loud scream could be heard flying towards the Slithering Snake. "Look out below!" Two voices said before being planted within the deck of the ship.

Everything paused as everyone stared at the two stuck in the floor of the deck. "Move your head." One said.

The other one pushed down on the floor. "Shut up and just push!"





The two pushed getting their heads out of the deck of the ship. "Yeah!" They both yelled at the top of their voices. "We made it surely!"

The two linked their arms together before proceeding to can-can. Everyone looked at the two with stunned expression on their faces. Observing the two it was obvious that the two were twins, one was male, the other was female, gun powder covered their bodies, their shirts and pants blackened by powder.

The captain of the pirate galleon grew more and more agitated at the antics of the flying twins. "Who the hell are you two?" He demanded loudly.

The twins stopped dancing looking up at the galleon. "That's new!" They said at the same time.

"We have canons over here?" The captain said.

"Use them and people are going to die." The male twin said.

"Yeah, and who would that be?" The captain asked cockily.

"Us." The female twin answered bluntly.

"That's it, fire on that ship!" He ordered.

The galleon's canons at the Slithering Snake and fired. Truffle acting quickly launched liquid chocolate to capture the canon balls before sending them back. The large mound of chocolate covered canon ball landed on the deck of the galleon but did not explode.

Leah looked at the twins. "So, who are you two?"

"I am Annie Okay and I am a marksman." The female twin said.

"And I am Andy Okay and I am a gunner." The male twin said.

Leah brightened at this and noticed that the enemy crew was still stunned about the cannonballs. "Do you think that you could shoot that ship down." She asked the twins.

The two looked at the giant ship and smirked. "You got it captain red head." They said stiffing up in an exaggerated salute.

Leah smirked. "William, turn the ship so that our canon is facing the ship."

William looked at his captain in confusion. "Okay, but I think it's going take more than a single canon to take that ship down." He said taking the wheel and following his captain's order.

The ship turned facing the giant ship. The Okay twins pointed the canon at it before firing it a the hull. The galleon shook and started sinking. "What?" The ship's captain exclaimed.

"Abandon ship!" One of the pirates yelled.

The captain stared at the Slithering Snake in rage. He ran to the edge of his ship and jumped from the ship and transformed into a walrus. He landed on the deck of the Slithering Snake. Multiple cracks started to appear on the deck of the ship.

"You have made a mockery of me!" He yelled in rage. "No one makes a mockery of me, Captain Willison Tusk the pirate with a 20 million Belle bounty."

"Atlanta you want this?" Leah asked.

"Sure." She answered grabbing her hammer and charged at Tusk swining up at him. "By the way I have a bounty of 30 million."

Tusk was sent flying into the air. Mostly everyone looked at Willison fly into the sky. Truffle just starred at Atlanta with hearts for eyes. The twins turned and saw the look Truffle was giving Atlanta and smirked at each other.

"Hey, you two, since you landed on this ship do you want to join as our gunner and marksman?" Leah asked.

The two turned to Leah then back to each other then back to Leah. "Yeah!" They shouted.

William looked at the deck of the ship with sad look on his face. He looked around worried about the hole and cracks.

Finished this earlier than I usually do. Thank you for reading hope you all doing well. If you liked this story please leave a like.

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