Chapter 17

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Merrit was punching at Leah who was using her sword to block each of the punches. Once the pace of the punches slowed Leah's sword turned black as she swiped up cutting off Merrit's right hand. "Ah!" He screamed.

He glared at Leah. A look of pure hatred on his face. "You bitch!" He yelled.

He activated all of his haki into his left arm ready to punch her in the face. Leah blocked it with her haki covered sword. A wave of energy pulsed out upon contact. Leah's sword produced a black lightning bolt that struck Merrit right through the chest. He started foaming at the mouth before fainting to the ground.

Leah took slow deep breaths staring down the now unconscious commander. "I probably could have done this way sooner, but I had to test how strong you are." She told him.

"Captain!" Truffle shouted running towards her captain.

"Truffle, when did you finish?"

"Around five minutes ago."

"Alright, we should head up the rest of the crew is waiting." She said. "By the way, how many soldiers did you fight anyway?"

"I think a little over a hundred." She answered. "It was really easy as none of them had haki."

Outside in the palace lawn, soldiers were scattered throughout the lawn cover in hard chocolate. "Get us out of here." One shouted.

"What is this?"

"I think it's chocolate." One said before taking a bite only for his teeth to crack. "It's chocolate but it's very hard chocolate."

Back with William, Hon, and Atlanta, William was being treated for his injuries. Leah and Truffle walked towards them. Leah is the first to notice her navigator unconscious. "What happened?" She asked with worry.

"He fought Manny, who gave your crew member a beating." Hon explained. "He will live but will need bandages for a couple of weeks and to stay away from fighting."

"Good, we'll talk to the king while you look after our navigator."

"Okay." They said concentrating on the unconscious navigator.

The rest of the crew looked at the body of Manny. The knife sticking out of his head. They kept their faces blank before heading to the throne room. The door to the throne room was big reaching up to 12 feet tall and made of smooth granite.

Leah looked at Atlanta. "Will you do the honors?"

Atlanta smirked. She pulled her hammer sideways swinging at the doors. Upon impact the doors flew forward creating a loud bang once they land on the floor. They rushed in only to find an empty throne.

They slowly walked forward looking around and found the king running behind them and out of the throne room. He ran down the hall to find Hon applying bandages on his ribs. "YOU!" He shouted at the doctor. "You and your pirate friends ruined everything!"

Hon ignored him focusing on their work. "You help those that hold the country back." He started ranting. "Clearing those I could start building mansions by the beach, I could invite other countries for sporting events, and this country would be prestigious... only the holy land would be more prestigious."

"Even if the people suffer for it." Hon argued finishing his work.

"They couldn't work hard, or they didn't have the smarts to handle their money if they can't get themselves out of squaller then they should move out of the way of progress."

"And now they are running here out for blood." Leah said approaching the king.

Duterte turned towards the pirate captain. "I may not be able to move the country forward, but I can kill the woman who stopped our ascension!" She yelled before pulling the trigger only for hammer to explode in his face.

Hon looked shocked at what just happened. "How?"

"Haki, I can use it to make guns explode in a person's face." Leah said happily. "I like exploding things."

Hon looked at the captain in disbelief. Atlanta and Truffle, who arrived to hear their captain's explanation paled. Shouting could be heard in the foyer. They looked over and saw the destruction around the palace, but more importantly looking at the unconscious king.

"Is that?" One of them asked.

"It is." Another confirmed.

"Is he dead?" A different rioter asked.

"No, just discombobulated, do you want him?" Leah asked.

"Yeah!" They all shouted.

"Cool, where's the booze?"

"Um." A finely dressed man in suit and bow tie said peaking out of a closet door. "We have plenty of Alcoholic beverages in the cellar just please don't hurt me."

"Cool thanks you want to join the party?" She asked the butler.

The butler gave a tentative smile nodding his head. Leah looked at the foyer. "What happened to that Navy guy?" She asked noticing that Merrit was gone.

Merrit was running as fast as he could. He was heading towards the base only to stop in his tracks when he saw his men on the ground and a giant in a plaid mini skirt. He moves and weaves avoiding the giant's line of sight. He snuck into his office and activated his transponder snail.

"That's pointless." A voice above him said.

"Should have figured." Merrit said pulling of a pistol from his desk. "Everything is gone to hell there is nothing to be done to fix it."

He takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, this should have worked and thanks to my mistake it failed."

"Warn Vice-Admiral Arnold about Leah she will be causing trouble." He requested before putting the gun to the side of the head and pulls the trigger.

Buitre flew down from his perch, closed the eyes of his comrade before flying away. He looked around watching the peasants looting and ransacking the mansions and found Leah drinking a bottle of expensive bottle of sake. Transforming into his human form, he took a photo of her and her crew quickly, then took a picture of the king being hanged.

'The West Blue just seems to get more and more chaotic everyday now.' He thought transforming back into a vulture and flying away. 'We are going to have tighten the hatches.'

This took longer than it should have. Thank you for reading and I hope you all doing well and I will hopefully post the next chapter soon. 

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