Chapter 15

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Leah and Merrit were fighting each other ferociously. Merrit continued to punch down at Leah, while Leah parring each of the punches and attacking him only to be blocked by his black arms. Leah kicked the commander in the stomach pushing him back putting distance between the two combatants.

The marine commander stared down the pirate before he grinned. "I feel sorry for your little friends." He said on the verge of laughing.

Leah glared at him. "I am not worried."

Merrit the laughed obnoxiously loud. "You should be, they are facing the kings guard the strongest of all the army's soldiers your friends are all but dead."

Leah smiles slightly "No they aren't."

Merrit looked at her perplexed. "Yeah, they are, but you still have o deal with me." He said charging at her.

With William, he was dodging his opponent's punches while trying to put enough distance between himself and his opponent for the whip to be as effective as possible. It was hard if not impossible the king's guardsman's reflexes were catlike, and easily got close to the pirate. Luckily for the navigator his reflexes were quick enough to dodge each of the punches.

William was starting to pant while his enemy wasn't breaking a sweat. William was about to receive a punch but kicked his opponent in the stomach pushing him back before attacking him with the whip. Before the weapon can land a blow however, he grabbed the whip and pulled it away.

"You are a decent fighter, but your no match for my boxing technique." The guard said. "For you are fighting the greatest political advising boxer Manny."

While Manny was speaking, he posed himself in a traditional boxers pose, ready to fight the navigator. William went into his pants packed and pulled out two knives. The boxer grinned before charging at him with a jab. Will dodged it only to receive a left hook to the jaw, and then delivered six body shots to his chest breaking a rib.

William swiped up to Manny's face only to dodge the knife and deliver a punch to William's nose breaking it. Blood spurted out of his nose as he fell to the ground. The boxer than straddled the navigator. "This was boring fight, you thought you could take down the kings guard."

Manny cracked his knuckles. "Well it's time to give you a final makeover."

Manny raised his fist ready to punch William to death. William thinking quickly threw a knife that landed on the forehead of Manny killing him instantly. The boxer's body fell to the side in a thump. William stayed on the ground taking deep breaths with his mouth.

With Atlanta, she was swinging her hammer at the upside down gorilla man. The guardsman dumped and dodged each swing. "You maybe strong, but you can't catch me for I have the power of SMILE and the power that it grants me."

Atlanta gave him a dumbfounded look. "Your head is where your ass should be!"

"To get strong you have to look completely stupid." He countered.

She looked at him even more confused. The gorilla man snapped at her. He ran up to her to give her a flying punch? Kick? With his fist. Acting quickly she grabbed the kick/punch, only for her opponent to contort and punch/kick her in the face letting go of his arm/leg allowing him to kickout on her chest launching each other in opposite directions.

"I may look stupid, but don't underestimate me the guardsmen bakulaw!" He shouted.

To be continued...

Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you all are doing great.

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