Chapter 42

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Hey everyone hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving or if your not an American a happy Thursday, I have come to you with something to announce. The name of Leah's sword, much like Bruce Banner and Tony Stark not reprograming the synapsis to work collectively for vision and the mind stone I never thought about that. Thankfully Asano_Yuki002 gave me the sword name and class of her sword. The sword name is tokijin class great-great sword, cursed and double edged. Now onto the story.

Chapter 42

Leah and her crew made their way to Grove 1 where Disco's slave auction house was located. They approached the auction house as the guards guarding the gate opened the door allowing the pirates to enter the auction and sat near the back of the theater room. The theater was also being filled by nobles and two other pirate crews.

"I recognize those pirates." Gail whispered.

Leah looked intrigued and silently motioned for her to continue. "The ones at the back, they are the Kid pirates."

Gail pointed at the captain. "That is Eustace Kid he has the highest bounty of all the rookies here."

Pointing at Killer, Gail continued. "That's Killer, Kids second in command."

She then points to Law. "That's Trafalgar Law he is both a captain and a doctor."

"Good skillset." Hon commented.

Before anyone can comment three people entered the theatre. Their fancy white robes were clean and spotless and their bubbles around their heads keeping the air they breath 'clean' from the common folk. Most do not dare to look at them a sign of the reverence of their status as the gods of this world.

"The Celestial Dragons." Gail whispered in a mixture of fear and contempt.

"They don't look like much." Leah whispered back.

"They don't have to, as they have the whole military under them." Gail said.

Leah nodded before noticing Kid staring at them. Annoyed she gives him the middle finger before turning back to the stage never noticing a pirate crew captained by a man in a straw hat.

The audience waited for a few minutes before the auction started when a man in a long blue coat, star shaped glasses, and long purple hair. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming today we have a show for you so without further ado I bring you the first piece of merchandise!"

A spotlight was shown onto a pirate captain as he was marched out onto the stage, but before anyone could start betting on him, he started bleeding from his mouth. The presenter looked agitated at the slave realizing what was about to happen. The former captain collapsed onto the stage. The audience murmured about what was happening. The curtain closed and the audience waited for the auction to continue when the presenter came through the curtain.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have brought you all something, glorious, straight from the ocean, I bring you all a mermaid!" He announced as the curtains were drawn open to reveal a green haired mermaid with a red tail.

The mermaid was banging on the glass for help while the presenter continued on. "We shall start the bidding at 10 million."

Before anyone could bid; however, one of the Celestial Dragons stood up and called. "500 million!"

The audience was shocked into silence. Looking around Leah noticed her shipwright stiffen in freight. She put her hand on her shoulder, taking her out of her stupor.

Gail looked sadly at the stage. "She is about to go through torture for the forceable future."

The crew looked at her worried. "I have seen people who were once their slaves and they rarely speak of it, but they drink, harm themselves or just waste away because of what they had to endure in Mary Geoise."

Before any of the crew could speak a gunshot sounded and saw that same noble that bought the mermaid had shot an octopus fishman who was trying to hold back the man in a straw hat that Leah instantly recognized.

"Luffy!" She quietly said in excitement.

Luffy was let go as he slowly walked up the steps toward the noble who was celebrating catching a fish for free. Leah and her crew were watching, shocked that Luffy was walking towards the noble with a furious look on his face. The noble shot at him but both shots missed before Luffy punched the noble in the face, sending him across the room. Everyone's mouth dropped in shock.

After a few seconds, Luffy turned towards everyone with a blank face. "A navy admiral is coming, sorry I guess."

Leah just laughed hysterically while her crew just stared at their captain in disbelief. The non-pirates started evacuating as the auction house security and the royal guard started fighting the Straw Hat pirates.

Once people evacuated Leah stopped laughing and released a small amount of haki putting the security, guards and even the two world nobles unconscious. "You can't help but get yourself into trouble?"

All the pirates were at what just happened. Leah stood up and stared at Luffy. He turned towards her, and his eyes widened. "Leah?" He asked her stunned.

"Hey Lu, long time no see." She told him.

To be continued...

Another chapter done, thank you for reading. Please hit the star button and leave a comment. Hope you all are doing well. 

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