Chapter 41

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In Shakky's bar, the proprietor had placed a cup of tea in front of a young men with a straw hat on his head. With him are an afro skeleton, a tiny reindeer man that looked more like a racoon man, an orange talking starfish, a young green haired woman, and a funny looking man with a bandage on his forehead.

"With your arrival there are now 12 rookie pirates that arrived with bounties exceeding 100 million bellies." Shakky told them. "Out of all of them you have the second highest straw hat."

"What there is someone here with higher bounty than Luffy." The reindeer shouted.

Shakky took a drag of her cigarette before started listing the 10 supernovas competing with Luffy.

In a restaurant somewhere on the archipelago a pink haired woman scarfing down food plates at a time all the while demanding more.

At a different table in the restaurant Capone Gang Bege was trying to enjoy a quite meal only to be disturbed by the noise coming from the pink haired woman. "That woman is ruining my meal, go wire her mouth shut!" He ordered.

One of his men leaned down to whisper. "I don't think that's a good idea father, we are close to navy headquarters, we shouldn't make a scene."

Bege glared at him then quickly stabbed him in the eye. 'Capone Gang Bege he has a bounty of 138 million belles.'

"More pizza, where's that pizza." The pink haired woman demanded.

"The waiter said that the food is coming as fast as they can." One of her said.

"It's not coming fast enough!" She shouted impatiently while stuffing food into her mouth. 'Jewelry Bonney the Glutton with a bounty of 140 million bounty.'

"We will get that for you right away." A waiter said about to run only to run into someone.

The waiter looked up to find a bald pirate glaring down at him. Scared, the waiter gasped in freight. "You!" The pirate shouted, pulling out his sword.

The pirate was about to kill the waiter when a gloved hand prevented him from killing the waiter. "Leave him be." The newcomer ordered.

"But captain there is a bunch of spaghetti all over my clothes." He yelled.

"Such is the fate of your pants." The captain told his subordinate. "I'm sorry for my man threatening you, taking a life today would only bring us bad fortune."

The waiter looked over to see that the captain had straight blond hair. 'The Magician Basil Hawkins he has bounty of 249 million.'

Outside a large man with wings on his back in monk robes was trying to smack a masked man with an iron bar. The masked man was dodging every attack the monk. Charging at the monk ready to use his mechanical scythes slice him. The monk meanwhile was about to slam his iron bar down on him only to for the two to be intercepted by a man in dark blue clothes and a scar of an x on his chin.

"If you want to go wild save it for the New World." The interloper said using his weapons to stop the two from killing each other. 'Red Flag X Drake with a bounty of 222 million.'

"I can wait." The monk said putting the iron bar on his shoulder. "I would bow and thank Drake for your life masked man."

'Mad Monk Urouge has a 108 million belle bounty.'

The masked man says nothing as he just walks away. 'The massacre soldier Killer he has a bounty of 162 million.'

A little later Drake was walking with his crew but stopped when someone started talking. "Man, right when it was about to get good." The stranger said.

Drake looked over towards the voice to see a goateed man in a fluffy hat, cow spotted pants, and a yellow and black sweatshirt. "Hey Drake, how many people have you killed?"

'The Surgeon of Death Trafalgar Law with a 200 million belle bounty.'

In the basement of the restaurant two different pirate crews were eating and drinking quietly when a red-haired pirate noticed a long-armed man chugging a mug of beer. He took in the long armed mans appearance and was annoyed with the man's keyboard teeth.

"Who's that?" He asked a subordinate.

"That's the Sea Roar."

Noticing the red-haired captain staring at him, the Sea Roar gave him the pointer finger. The anger him, as he quickly stood up.

"Captain no!" His subordinate shouted, trying to stop him from starting a fight.

Outside a large explosion appeared at the restaurant. The Sea Roar doing back flips, escaped the explosion unscathed. Landing gracefully on the ground, he took up a fighter's stance ready to fight the red-haired captain.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked. 'The Sea Roar Scratchman Apoo with a 198 million belle bounty.'

"Your one creepy bastard why don't I just put you out of your misery." The red-haired captain said. 'Captain Eustass Kid with a 315 million belle bounty.'

Walking through the town, Leah and her crew looked around at the damage the other pirates caused. "The towns folk must have thrown a party." Andy said.

"The town has a large amount of property damage." Hon bluntly said.

"One heck of a party." Annie said.

"I imagine some of the pirates here couldn't wait to fight each other." William stated in observation.

"Sounds fun unlike someone." Todo said nudging his head toward Li.

Li rolled his eyes. "Regardless we still need to pass through so that we can get to Grove 1."

As they walked they encountered Kid and Apoo about to kill each other. The two turned towards the crew. Kid looked annoyed; however, Apoo saw Truffle and became lovestruck. His eyes turned to hearts as he started running towards her.

"What's up beautiful!" He exclaimed, going in for a hug.

Before he could latch on to her; however, Atlanta punched him in the head sending him to the ground. Truffle looked at him disinterested and stepped over him.

"Thank you, I'm glad that I didn't have to handle him myself." Truffle said.

"No problem." Atlanta said beaming.

"Captain!" A voice shouted. "What happened?"

Apoo stood up and pointed at Atlanta. "She punched me! I just wanted to show my love to the beautiful woman behind that brute."

An angry tick mark appeared on Atlanta's forehead. Apoo's crew stood beside him ready to fight. Leah just stared blankly at the opposing crew. She slowly took out her sword and activated her haki putting Apoo's crew unconscious. Apoo was oblivious until he was about to attack but saw that his crew was on the ground.

"You done?" Leah asked. 'The Red Menace Leah she has a bounty of 170 million belle bounty.'

"Leah here!" Luffy shouted.

Shakky smiled and nodded. "I take it you know her."

Luffy smiled widely. "Yeah, she's my best friend."

To be continued...

Good to finish a chapter and at a decent length to. Hope you all enjoyed and that you all are doing well. Please hit the star button and leave a comment.

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