Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

The Green Dragon docked at the crumbled wall. The crew minus Han and Todo were looking towards the base and saw an army or marines. Rifles and swords out ready to fight the pirates. Leah smiled looking through the army of soldiers. Over 500 soldiers were staring them down.

Vice- Admiral Arnold stared down the Green Dragon. He saw his most trusted subordinate fall into the ocean and he lost much of his business and influence in the West Blue. Sighing, even if he wins this battle he will be transferred to HQ for a desk job at best. Looking towards the captain, he glared with all his hate within him. He determined to not only kill the captain, but to absolutely destroy her mind, body, and soul.

He raised his hand before he chopped down into the air. "Attack!"

The marines charged towards the pirate crew. Leah put her right arm up to hold her crew back. She went to grab her sword's handle and pulled it out slightly releasing black lightning and a large amount of pressure that put two thirds of the marines unconscious, foaming at the mouths. She continued to pull out her sword and went into a fighting stance.

"Ready?" She asked her crew.

"Ready!" They answered, charging into the fort.

William lassoed one soldier and launched him into a group of five soldiers. Truggle used her chocolate power to encase soldiers. A soldier was about to stab her, but a hammer hit him launching him into the side of the mountain. She slammed her hammer down creating an earthquake straight towards 20 marines. Annie and Andy took down the marines one by one before taking over a canon and started using it to fire on the marines and accidentally freeing an inmate. The inmate jumped out and started punching and kicking every marine in his path. Gail had used her fishman karate to beat down the marines that approached her.

Rear admiral Brock looked around to see that his men were losing. He closed his eyes frustrated at how weak the men under his command were. He slowly made his way to the fray. Seeing that the Okay twins were firing a canon at his men. Turning his body into stone he launched himself at them. His body transformed into rock and became heavy enough to crush the canon upon landing on it. He was about to punch Andy when a rope was launched onto his arm and felt someone pull on it. Turning he saw William pulling. Grinning he grabs the lasso, pulling flinging William towards himself.

Atlanta took out 50 marines when she saw William being pulled towards a rock man. Acting quickly, she ran and jumped, grabbing William before he could be punched. Putting him down, Atlanta looked him over. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." William said shaken up a little.

"Good, help Annie and Andy back to the ship." She ordered. "We are almost at the home stretch let me handle Rocky here."

"You got it." He said moving away then running with the Okay twins.

Atlanta turned towards her opponent and leaned her hammer on her right shoulder. Brock looked towards his opponent. He could tell that she could be a challenge. He saw the muscles that she has earned through hard work and the way she carries her hammer shows that she is at least proficient with it.

"So, your Atlanta Martella?" He asked cockily. "You know I am the strongest rear-admiral in the West Blue, I took down numerous pirates you and your crew will be no exception."

Atlanta looked at him with a bored expression on her face. "Yeah, no." She said bluntly.

"No?" He asked.

"No." She repeated. "Look around you, your men are losing."

"We don't need them."

With Vice-Admiral Arnold he looked at the battlefield in disgust. His men were decimated only a few dozen left standing. Taking a deep breath, he jumped high into the air scanning the battlefield looking for an opponent to take out to change the momentum. He sees Leah walk casually like she was going on a nighttime stroll. Jumping in the air he dives toward her, pulling his sword out, he swings it down ready to slice her in half only for it to be blocked by Leah's sword.

"You're going to have to try harder than that." Leah told him.

Arnold glared down at her. "I am not even using half my power."

They separated with 10 feet of distance between them. Leah looked at her opponent up and down. "You're going to need more than that." Leah said.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading, it's getting good and I hope you are enjoying it. Hope you all are doing well.

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