Chapter 40

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A month later the crew made their way to anchor down of Sabaody Archipelago. The crew getting ready to explore and retrieve supplies they were gathered on deck to go over the plan.

"Alright to get to the New World we have to go through Fishman Island to get passed the Red Line." Gail told the crew.

"Isn't that under water?" Han asked.

"It is which is another thing we have to do while we are here." William said. "We have to get the ship coated so that the ship can travel underwater."

"So, we find a coater how hard can that be?" Leah asked.

"Usually difficult." William said.

"But I know of one that lives here." Gail said before taking a deep breath. "There a few rules we have to follow."

"But we're pirates, we are supposed to be free!" Leah whined.

"And that is why we need to follow these rules." Gail stressed. "First rule, if anyone asks I am a human."

"Okay." Leah said confused.

Truffle gave the shipwright a sympathetic look. "Second rule, there are people called the Celestial Dragons, if you see one stay out of their way and bow to the ground."

"Who are they?" Atlanta asked.

"The World Nobles descended from the founders of the World Government." William said. "Anyone that harms one, a navy admiral will be sent to deal with the person that would dare harm one."

"So don't give them a reason to notice you, got it." Leah said.

"Three, marine HQ is located on this archipelago so keep a low profile."

"Don't we always?" Leah said brightly.

Gail just gave her a severe look that told her no. Wanting to avoid a shouting match Li decided to interject. "What about the bounty hunter?"

Gail cleared her throat. "The bounty hunters are a lot stronger than any we have encountered previously and there are slave markets will pay more than the government and even accept nonhumans to put into slavery."

"Sounds good, so who's going to stay on the ship?" Leah asked.

"I will!" Truffle said, raising her arm up so fast that she nearly slapped Gail in the face.

"I'll stay behind with Truffle!" Atlanta said eagerly a deep red blush appearing on her face.

"I will also stay behind." Li said.

"Alright, Gail you know where to go?" Leah asked.

Gail nodded, as those not staying on the ship followed her off the ship. They walked towards a small-town marveling at the bubbles that were forming from the ground. Making their way to a stall selling bikes that could be attached to the bubbles and be used as vehicles.

"Now you can rent one for 500 belles or you can buy one for 10,000 belles." The salesman told them.

"We will rent three of them." Gail said.

"I want to buy one." Andy shouted.

"Just rent one." Todo told him before turning towards Annie. "That goes for you to."

Andy and Annie groaned as the crew attached the bikes to the bubbles then started making their way to a food stall to buy food. Once they were done eating Leah, Gail, and William started making their way out of the town and through areas of abandoned buildings. They eventually make buildings. They eventually made it to Grove 13 and found a small bar with the sign Shakky's Rip-off Bar. Infront of the bar they found two men unconscious with their heads in the ground.

William looked a little skeptical at the establishment. "Are you sure about this place?"

Gail smiled. "I wouldn't worry they are good people."

Leah walked over to the door and opened it. "Hello."

Inside was a woman reading a newspaper and smoking a cigarette. The woman looked up to see Leah leading William and Gail into the bar. The woman blinked when her eyes landed on Gail.

"Gail! Is that you?" The woman asked excitedly.

"Yeah, it's me, sorry that I have not been around for a long time."

"It's okay, what have you been up to recently?"

"Until recently I was working as a shipwright in the West Blue." Gail explained. "But sadly, something happened, and I couldn't stay, so I became a pirate, this is my captain, Leah."

She motioned where Leah was only to see that she went to Shakky's fridge and pulled out a beer. "Don't just raid a stranger's fridge!" William shouted at his captain.

"I wasn't raiding I was just grabbing a beer from the fridge." She responded nonchalantly.

William was about to retort but was interrupted by Shakky. "It's alright, any friend of Gails is a friend of mine."

"Cool." Leah said relaxing on a bar stool drinking the beer.

"I know that we haven't seen each other in a long time..." Gail said.

"You need Rayleigh to coat you ship." Shakky guessed.

Gail nodded sheepishly. Shakky took a drag before continuing. "I'm sorry to say that he has not been here for some time now."

"Where can we find him?" Leah asked.

"Usually at the casinos or the brothels, sometimes he likes to go to the amusement park." Shakky said.

Leah went deep in thought. "Where would he go if he was down?"

Shakky perked up at her question. "Then he would have himself be sold as a slave then rob anyone that bought him."

"Wow, he must be powerful." Leah said amazed.

"He is stronger than all the rookies on the archipelago."

Leah nodded. "Nice, where is the auction house that attracts the wealthiest buyers?"

Shakky put her pointer finger on her chin in deep thought. "That would be Disco's on Grove 1."

"Thanks." Leah said before a question came to her. "Who are the rookies on Sabaody?"

To be continued...

Sorry that it took me a while, I was visiting family and applying for jobs. I decided to do a small time skip to Sabaody. I hope everyone is doing well. Please hit the star button and leave a comment I enjoy constructive criticism. 

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