Chapter 24

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                Davis Warwick is a pirate with giants' blood in his veins. At the age of 15, he started his pirating career taking a position as a cabin boy. 2 years into his pirating career he has risen to the rank of lieutenant just below the vice-captain after he defeated numerous individuals under his captain's name.

The captain believed he found the perfect man to lift him to glory not knowing of those that plot against him until it was too late when Davis with the help of most of the crew mutinied against the captain and his inner circle. The captain watched as those closest to him had their limbs broken before being thrown overboard before he to follow the same fate.

After the mutiny the Warwick pirates rampaged through the West Blue attacking islands, merchant ships, and destroying all the marines that got in their way.

Back on the docks, one of the workers was telling Leah and her crew the last three paragraphs of information. "And you plan to take him on with a dinghy and your canon on your destroyed ship."

Leah with little emotion looked at him dead in the eye before saying. "Yeah."

The worker just stared at her dumbfounded. "You're an idiot." He said.

"Maybe but do you have a better plan?" She asked.

The worker looked dejected. "No."

"Okay, so how are you going to get the dinghy to the largest ship?" William asked his captain.

"Annie! Andy!" Leah shouted towards the Slithering Snake. "Prepare to fire on the smallest ship!"

"Yes captain!" They shouted from the ship.

The twins aim their canon at the ship closest to the docks and fired destroying it. "One down!" They shouted.

In the largest ships, Davis Warwick watched as the scout ship was destroyed by canon fire. He glared at the docked ship firing on his remaining ships. "Someone, go after that ship!" He ordered.

"Yes captain!" His crew shouted.

Two ships broke off from formation and went towards the Slithering Snake. The two quickly made their way to the broken ship firing canons at it hoping to annihilate it before it can fire another canon ball.

On the Slithering Snake, Annie and Andy were reloading the canon hoping to destroy another ship before it reached them. It was proving to be difficult because of the explosions happening around them. "Aiming the canon!" Annie shouted.

"Canon ready to fire!" Andy shouted.

"Fire!" His twin ordered.

Annie fired the canon destroying the closest ship. They were about to load another cannonball when a canon ball landed on the ship causing the ship to start sinking. Seeing that the twins jumped off the ship onto docks. They turn to see their old ship sink to the bottom of the dock and an enemy ship heading towards the dock.

Looking at each other they said the same thing. "Run!"

They ran from the dock as the enemy ships stopped and the pirates jumped from the ship to chase them. The captain of the ship follows his crew as they chase the troublesome twins. He looked behind at the sinking ship and shook his head.

Annie and Andy ran as fast as they could until the entered a warehouse and started barricaded the door with whatever they can find. After around a couple of minutes, they were satisfied with their work. Taking a few steps back, they started gasping for breath.

"We can't fight all those pirates." Andy said between breaths.

"Yeah, no kidding." Annie said just as exhausted.

Before they can take a break, the door starts shaking as the pirates started pounding on the door. "Crap!"

They looked around for anything that they could use to find dynamite. Grinning at each they start opening crates to pull out bundles of dynamite. Andy pulled out a lighter from his pocket.

After a loud bang the door started to open. "We are starting to get the door open." One of them shouted as the continued to push the door open.

"Come on let's get those brats." Another pirate shouted as they finally got the door wide open.

The pirates were about to charge in into the warehouse only to see a lite stick of dynamite before it explodes. The pirates were either injured or died in the resulting explosion. The captain of the crew looks at the dead bodies in disinterest. When finding an injured crew mate, he would pull out a knife and stab them in the neck.

Once he was done killing the remainder of his crew, he went to the warehouse to see the twins getting ready to light more dynamite. He yawned, throwing a knife at the lighter making Andy drop the lighter. "So, you two are the troublemakers that took out the weaklings." He said his voice like cranking machinery. "I thank you for purging them, but I have to kill those in my way."

The twins weren't listening as they took to staring at the captain. He was 6 ft tall and so skinny that his skin looks to have been clinging to his bones. His eyes sunken to the point you can't see his eyes. He sighed pulling out another knife about to throw it when he grpped it tightly and moved to block a scalpel aimed at his throat.

The twins widened their eyes in surprise. "Hon!" They shouted with glee.

The captain looked down to see the doctor using the scalpel to push down on his knife. "So troublesome." He said in a bored tone.

Sorry for the long wait, the Holidays and work have been keeping me busy. Hope you all are doing well and thank you for reading.

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