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Izuku's POV:

Was my mother even worried? Did she want me here? The questions raced through my head. She hasn't even come for me.  What about my dad? Wouldn't he find it suspicious I didn't drop off his daily orders? Is he looking for me?

I curled up into a ball on 'my bed'. The silk, smooth sheets didn't provide the comfort I needed. I missed the rough linen sheets on my bed aswell as the dark room I called my bedroom. This room is nothing like that. A lavish, bright room with  large window aswell as a large bed. The window offered a great reminder that I was stuck within the walls of this palace.

I could see the quaint village I called home aswell as the towering, white wall encasing the castle. The wall was a reminder of my free, happy childhood. I had to escape.

"Uhm Mr Izuku?" A voice called "Yes Ashido San?" I asked looking towards the hallway "Are you okay?" "Oh uhm yes." I laughed awkwardly "oh... okay." "Say... Ashido.... if I was to try escape would you tell on me?" I asked "oh for heavens sake no! This is a horrible place! I would help you!" She smiled. She quickly looked behind her and then proceeded to walk into my room, closing the door behind her.

"Okay. Do you know of the Gyakusatsu Kingdom close by?" She questioned "Oh uhmm yes. My mother often told me of a beautiful queen who went missing there." I smiled recalling our conversations "well. It is a meer 5 miles away. In a few days time, the Royal family and a few servants, me included, will be making a public appearance in town. You will go with Bakugou as you are betrothed by bond. Whilst they are busy I can escirt you away. That morning I will have packed you some things such as 'refreshments'." She winked "thats genius Ashido-San!" I smiled

"Uhm. Ashido? Why are you here? You were asked to do the laundry." A man spoke. I looked to my doorway to see the omega from earlier. His golden eyes looked almost nervous. "Ah sorry Kaminari-Kun. Midoriya wasn't feeling very comfortable and so I was helping him settle in."  She smiled before walking out. The omega stared me down before a slight smile appeared on his face. "So your Katsuki's omega?" I nodded "I came to help you out. He can get angry very easily and I dont want to let you get harmed." He smiled. I smiled lightly indicating he could come in.

He awkwardly stepped into the room and leant against the wall. "Katsuki gets angered easily but he is also shy. My advice would be to listen to him and never look him in the eye, even if he is talking to you." He explained "isn't it rude not to look someone in the eye?" I questioned "Katsuki is like a wolf. He sees you looking him the eye as you challenging him." The boy explained "he also hates being looked down on." He explained "How could a low omega like myself look down on royalty?" I questioned

The omega quickly looked out of the hallway and then shut the door, in the same manner as Ashido. "If you plan to escape."  He began the tone darkening "act like your comfortable." "Why are you helping me?" I asked "You're mated to ine of the most impossible people to deal with." He smiled "You can trust me." "Thank you uhm..." "Call me Denki!" He smiled "Oh well... since we're on first name basis I'm Izuku." I smiled

"Midor- oh Kaminari?" A voice rang 'do these people knock? Better yet why are there people swarming into my room?' I thought "oh hello Shoto! I was just getting acquainted with Izuku here." Denki smiled "oh well I was sent to tell you both dinner is ready." "Oh thank you Todoroki!" I smiled "no problem now please, follow." Todorki blankly stated before leading us to the dinner hall.

It was a large room. It had large windows with an unnecessarily long table. "Ah.. Midoriya. Nice of you to join us." The king smiled "please take a seat by Katsuki." He motioned to the chair beside the ashe-blonde boy. I nodded and reluctantly sat beside the boy. "Hello" I gingerly whispered to the boy. I looked over, avoiding eye contact, to see him giving me a small nod. I nodded back before returning to the conversation at the dining table.

"Hm? Where is Himiko?" Eijiro questioned "oh she and uhm... Uraraka? Went on  date." The queen stated "oh. Okay." He simply replied "hm. Now that I think about it, Katsuki and his mate have never really talked." He mumbled "ah yes your right dear." The queen smiled before turning to her other son "Katsuki why haven't you taken the time to get to know your mate?" She aggressively questioned "Well either way I'm stuck with him until one of us die." He muttered "KATSUKI BAKUGOU! THAT IS NO WAY TO REGUARD YOUR MATE!" The queen screamed, her voice echoing across the room and into my eardrums "Oh uhmm uts okay Mrs. Bakugou, you've thrown so much in him with me being here and he may not be able to process what is happening... we are young?" I reasoned.

I could feel his intense stare on the side of my head, practically burning holes in it. "Oh... uhm... Izuku darling why not have a day out with Katsuki to ease his mine?" The queen smiled "mother, will this be necessary?" Katsuki finally spoke "Yes it will Katsuki. I would like for you and aizuiu to get along. I expect great heirs and leadership from you." She aggressively stated. I awkwardly looked down, this was going to be fun.

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