~Nijuu Roku~

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I'm writing numbers in Japanese so much it's getting to the point where I can write the chapter name number thing without checking XD help

Izuku's POV:


Mr. Aydorima,

I have found myself within a rather troublesome situation and am unable to provide these goods you ask for. I apologise deeply However the journey is long and dangerous and I would not be ablE to afford the entrance fee to the Gyakusatsu Kingdom. I infact doubt my survivaL uPon the way due to the rabid wolves, amongst other things, that lurk within the woods separating where we reside.

Sincerely yours, Inko Midoriya


I sighed in frustration. Had she not picked up on how I had jumbled the letters in my name or the encrypted message? My mother is the most brainy and imaginative person I know. I had even gotten the idea to write an encryption within the letter from her books!

I loved the story it was from. It was about a lonesome traveller. She was an outlaw back home and often sent letters to her sister, pretending to be some old man in need of new gloves. The two would send letters of negotiation whilst hiding their letters to one another through random capitals. My mother had never shown an example of these letters as she wasn't 'creative enough' to write a glove negotiation and a secret letter. I had mastered this though and showed my mother my letters for the story a lot.

Kacchan stormed in, throwing a bag of goods on the desk. "All you're getting." He growled. I smiled to him. "Hello to you aswell." I then rummaged through the bag, it was filled with all sorts of foods. "I'm actually looking to get a job. When I find one, I can get a house and you can leave." I muttered. Kacchan rolled his eyes. "You need citizenship first." "As do you." I calmly retorted, trying not to give the bomb a reason to go off.

I saw him nod through the reflection of the mirror. That was a first, although it was welcomed. I leaned back in my chair. "I can't believe its so cheap. There surely must be a catch." Kacchan shrugged. "If there is, we'll find out." I shook my head. "Then we'd be stuck. I've heard the king is a terrible man." "We would always be able to leave." Kacchan reasoned. "I plan to live here. I cannot return home." I reasoned.

"I will keep sending letters and you will aswell. That way we will know if one of us is in danger and if the other should run." Kacchan reasoned. "I guess, however how would I know where you are?" "I will send a letter when I travel somewhere else and stay until I recieve a letter back." It was a rather smart plan, I had to admit. Although there were flaws, they were rather unlikely to occur and so I couldn't question it further.

I let him know I was happy with his plan by collapsing onto the bed to the right. I took off my boots and dived under the covers. It wasn't as comfy as the other bed however, it almost felt like straw - which it probably was - and the bedding was rather scratchy. I actually preferred being caked in mud with a 'cape' thrown over me. I was more than certain I still had mud on my skins and in my hair. That was a problem for another time however, I was rather tired. I can always take a bath tomorrow.

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