~Nijuu Ni~

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Izuku's POV:

I couldn't sleep that night. The fear of someone bursting into my room, dragging me by the wrist and throwing me onto some horse haunted my every waking moment, preventing me from sleeping.

I had subconsciously began reading my mothers books. I loved them, yes, yet every single story built upon my dread. Stories of kidnappings, mysterious dissapearances only heightened this. Why are these stories so unhinged? How did I never get nightmares as a child?

I threw the small book in frustration, only to pick it up and delicatley place it in the inner pocket of my satchel, and collapsed onto the hotel bed. Sounds of the wind and rain filled my ears, a rather reliving sound compared to what I had to listen to within the castle.

Suddenly, loud footsteps thundered down the corridor. 'Rather unusual for an inn' I thought. I thought nothing of it however and instead focused my attention on getting to sleep. A rather big mistake.

Doors were suddenly flung open and shouts were heard. The shouts were so familiar. A voice I hadn't heard much but a voice I knew all too well. I had to go.

I hurriedly grabbed my satchel and other necessary belongings and threw on my cloak. I couldn't go through the door, it was too risky. The window seemed rather small but manageable. That maniac would probably never get through it, not peacefully atleast.

I hurriedly flung open the shutter of the window and began squeezing myself through. My body was mangled into all sorts of positions as I shimmied through legs first. My efforts were stopped however upon my door having its turn of being flung open.

Crimson eyes stared at me. I simply stared back, not daring to move. (Why do I really want to write Izuku saying "Hey, welcome to Wendy's"here 🤡) We stayed this way for awhile, neither of us daring to move knowing the other will follow.

I eventually made the first move however. I tried to wriggle out of the window, only to be dragged back through by the raging blonde. The pain of being dragged by the hair is immeasurable, especially by Katsuki Bakugou.

"We don't have much time." He simply stated "They'll be here soon." "Who will be here soon?" I meekly stated. Kacchan rolled his eyes "The ham sandwich I ordered from the cafè" He sarcastically replied. "The guards. Who do you think?" "If they are comming for me, why are you here?" I asked "who do you think planned your escape?" He stated "Ashido-San." I stated " You really are a Deku." He stated.

I was then dragged by the wrist outside into the pouring rain and thrown on the back of a horse. I guess I did have a reason to be scared. The horse was a fine mare, white in colour with brown splashes of colour dotting her coat and a brown mane and tail to match.

Kacchan then hurried us away, the sheer speed enough to silence any question I could have even wanted to ask, not like I would ask anyway, I was frightened to say the least.

"Fast ain't she?" Kacchan looked back at me. I nodded lightly, looking away. "Why are you helping me?" I hesitantly asked. "Well. I don't get you as a mate and I get to escape." He stated, suddenly ignoring my presence and focusing on the path - like he should have been doing anyway.

"Is that the only reason?" I asked. Silence was the only answer to my question I recieved. I simply nodded and looked back at the path. "She's very pretty." I stated, indicating to the horse. "She has a name, Kasai." Kacchan begrudgingly stated. "Well, Kasai is very pretty." I stated "Where did you get her from?" "She is the daughter of my father's horse and some stallion from the Ikari Kingdom."

I nodded, taking in this information. "They have very beautiful horses there... I would love to have one of my own some day" Kacchan snorted "Like you could ever afford such beauties." I rolled my eyes "I know that, I just can't help but imagine having one of my own and riding in the most beautiful fields." "You're delusional. The world isn't a nice place. Especially in your situation, Deku. We have to time for fantasising. It's everyone for themself out here. You're lucky I'm helping you."

We remained silent for, what seemed to be, an hour before Kacchan finally spoke up. "We can rest here for the day, I understand you probably didn't have any sleep at all." I nodded, not really wanting to go to sleep near him. "We have no shelter so..." he then handed me his 'cape'. "Get it dirty and I swear to god you'll have stains redder than my cape everywhere and gouges bigger than the pieces of sh't you call eyes." He growled.

I nodded. His threats, though exaggerated, were rather intimidating. Alphas were very powerful. An omega like myself could probably break on command, any threat could be made possible. I have broken my bones enough whilst doing the smallest of things to know my body isn't endurable in the slightest. I didn't bring any medication either. It would be more than lethal to my brittle body to even be prodded at.

I then took off my cloak and layed it upon the soggy soil before laying down and placing the thick, red 'cape' over me. It wasn't as warm as the inn bed but it would still be good for a night or two - if I was still alive by then.

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