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"Do you know where she is?" The man quizzed. "Of course I do." She replied, her head held high as her challenging, ruby eyes focused on the other.

The man paced around the table, looking over the letter the woman was writing. He snatched the paper from the desk, crumpling it slightly as he did so, and handed it to a small timid girl - about 7 years of age. The girl quickly ran out of the room to dispose of the paper upon his demand.

"The guards found a certain liquid." The blonde woman told the man. "It can break soulmate bonds and create new ones." She smiled, toying with a small bottle no bigger than her finger. Her grin dropped soon after as the vile was snatched from her hands.

The man lifted up his mask to inspect the vile, a frown evident on his mangled face. "Is this it?" He asked, tone low and threatening. The woman shook her head "I could only bring a small vile to go undetected." She reasoned, standing up and placing her hands on the man's shoulders.

"If you allow me to, I can use my son - my real son - and bond him with hers." She smiled "I can use that to take him away from her." She purred, her chin now on the other's shoulder. The man scowled, shifting his shoulder in order to break from the woman's grasp, said woman now frowning.

"She will not listen, your highness." She reasoned with the man. The man just shrugged, placing his mask back on his face. "She will listen." He replied, walking towards a stained glass window. "I do not want to wait."

"You will not have to. I can have my son bond with him by tomorrow." She insisted, the man giving in to her offer.


Mitsuki scowled, pulling her arm away from her son with a glare. She looked to a field nearby the bakery. "Go play with that nice boy!" She offered, said offer sounding more like a demand.

The small blonde boy sighed and reluctantly walked up the field, finding a boy with green hair, another boy with dark blue hair and a brunette girl.

"Make sure you use that vile on the green one!" His mother reminded before entering the small bakery.

The three children quickly realised the blonde was approaching them and stood still, allowing him to walk to them. The girl seemed frightened, hiding behind the disheveled blue-haired boy. The greenette seemed more than happy to see the boy however.

"Hello!" He smiled, holding out a hand. The blonde reluctantly took his hand and shook it, quickly retracting his own. "What are you playing?" He asked. The greenette shrugged "We were just playing tag." He explained, the girl finally stepping away from the the boy. She seemed a little more relaxed more, probably presuming the blonde would bully the three.

"Can I play?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. The greenette smiled, jumping about slightly. "Sure, but you're on!" He exclaimed, breaking into a run.

The blonde took this as his chance. He reached for the small vile his mither had placed into his pocket and sprinted for the greenette. The green-haired boy giggled as the blonde leapt, missing the other by an inch. He didn't want to make his scheme obvious, chasing the other two aswell.

The blonde finally leapt for the greenette, spilling the liquid on the both of them as they came into contact. The other didn't seem to notice as he ran towards the blue haired boy - who was suprisingly fast despite how skinny and small he was.

"Katsuki, dear!" The boys mother called, earning the children's attention. "Time to go!" She called. "Comming!" The blonde called back, waving goodbye to the trio before running to his mother.

The woman seemed a lot angrier than before now. She glared at the woman within the bakery, a well-rounded, green-haired woman.

"Did you do it?" The woman asked. The bot nodded, looking at his hand, now finding a green mark on it.

"Hey! 'Ku! Look at your neck!" The girl shouted from behind them "It's red!" She announced. This lightened his mother's mood very much. She grinned and began to walk faster, chuckling for a second or so.

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