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Izuku's POV:

I remained frozen, hidden away behind Katsuki. His name didn't sound right having used Kacchan for so long. My mother still sat on the floor, I could just see her in the corner of my eye.

"Well I never suspected you were on my own side." My mother replied. The blonde woman scowled in anger, looking to the masked man. He nodded. My stomach churned as an almost painful yet nauseating pain imposed in my chest. I felt sick. What were they planning?

My mother stood up now, walking infront of me and Kacchan. She held an arm up defensively. "Don't you dare harm my child or his soulmate." She warned. The hostility in her tone was a foreign sound to me, one I had never heard in my lifetime. A tone once filled with compassion tainted by the situation only solidified how awful things were. I doubted we were getting out of this unscathed - thats if we ever did get out.

Mitsuki chuckled. "We've been over this. He isn't your child's soulmate." My eyes widened. My mother's posture straightened quickly. "Excuse me?" She asked, looking now inquisitivley. The entire reason I was in this mess was solely because I was Kacchan's mate. If I weren't truely his mate, what was the point of all of this?

"You see, dear, this world we like to think we enslaved is a wonderous thing." The king began. His tone was menacing, and yet remarkably entranced. "That you like to think you enslaved." My mother quipped. I could hear the frustration laced in her tone. "Oh no, nature is more powerful than us. It holds no heed of our titles. Everything we do will always amount to nature regaining its control." He chuckled. "It's so powerful, the right combinations can rewrite the very atoms of DNA within you."

I looked to Katsuki in confusion. He top seemed afraid and yet also pale - as though he was fearful. It was safe to assume he had a part to play. Maybe an unwilling one, but still a part to play.

"You can harm yourself any way you please but you dare touch my son and I'll show you harm your puny rocks could never amount to!" My mother shouted. Her voice was strained and now further defensive. Guilt overwhelmed me, fear its accomplice. I instinctively stepped back slightly.

"We already have." The blonde woman shrugged chalantly. "We needed someone to scare Izuku back to his home kingdom. My mistake of a son just happened to play that part." I heard Kacchan huff in frustration. "The thought of you as a parent was a mistake." The blonde male responded, hostile and forboading. I felt a shiver run down my spine. Something bad was going to happen.

"Now, enough." The king stated "The sooner we are done here, the sooner I have control." He reasoned. He began to fiddle with the stone in his hand. I could only watch it in fear. I knew I was vulnerable enough to go down easily. The shear fragility within my bones was more than enough evidence. I was one wrong move away from contorting and writhing in pain, being helpless as my bones and organs tore themselves apart and restructured my very DNA. I shuddered at the thought.

The man began to walk towards us, chalant and seemingly pleased. My mother refused to allow him to do so, she jumped forwards and stood between me and him valiantly. He wouldn't use the stone against her - I hoped atleast. He stopped and stared at her. My breath quickened as I watched, as still and unmoving as them yet seemingly more worried.

Kacchan pulled me backwards by my uninjured wrist and shielded me from both his mother and my father. "What're we going to do?" I asked quietly in fear. He turned his head, red eyes looking directly into my green ones. He was just as fearful and clueless. I gulped through strained breaths.

The thrashing of chains came from infront of us accompanied by pained grunts. I strained my neck to try get a glimpse. Kacchan moved to block my sight however. I fought against him, fear filling me as the grunts continued. They seemed to be from my mother.

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