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Izuku's POV:

I haven't been out for a few days now. I'm beginning to doubt my mother will have second thoughts on comming, if there was any hope she would atleast.

Kacchan won't tell me why I can't go out, he often replies with 'It's none of your concern.' or 'Mind your own.' I'm thankful he doesn't use his outlandish words however, I don't think they're compliments in the slightest. I had resorted to skimming through the small journal and rereading some of the stories. I had just finished chapter one of my favourite - the lost princess.

I've never understood why a servant had helped her escape the day before her wedding. I'd never even understood how she had gotten pregnant before she was married. It would be a royal scandal! But I digress, this was fictional afterall. That and the fact it was for children, well just me.

"What's so interesting in that thing anyway?" Kacchan asked, snatching the journal from my hands and reading a few parts. "A story book?" He asked, seemingly confused. "My mother wrote stories in there when I was little." I explained, remembering the times I would practically sprint to bed just to hear the same stories over and over again.

Kacchan nodded "Well, this one seems true." He muttered "The heir to the throne here did run away before she was married." I shrugged "Maybe it inspired my mother." I suggested "She was creative, but I doubt she made them all up without inspiration." Kacchan nodded "I think so aswell."


???'s POV:

The green haired girl made her way to the throne room, trembling as she came face to face with the menace that had snatched away the kingdom from the rightful queen.

"Your highness..." she whimpered as she bowed, green hair sliding over her shoulders and into her face. "It's your majesty." The king spat, white eyes darkening with rage beneath the mask.

"Sincere apologies, your majesty. However I bear some news." She stated "Your long-lost wife has been sighted in the village this morning. It has also come to our attention someone withe the last name of 'Midoriya' has placed a room booking at the Inn."

Though she couldn't see it, she could feel the manic grin beneath the King's mask. The coldness in his eyes was replaced with pure glee. Not the kind seen in a child, twisted glee. The type a psychopath may feel, or the type a rabid, power-hungry king would feel. This wasn't good. She almost regretted what she had done, but she would pay if she didn't,

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