~Jū Ichi~

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Izuku's POV:

After a very awkward conversation with my mother Kacchan and I decided it would be best to leave. Acting like a couple to ease my mother's stress was by far one of the most uncomfortable situations I had been faced with. I couldn't tell her the truth anyway. Either her or me could have been harmed and my mother would stress more about me being gone.

Just her actions throughout the conversation were enough (why is enough spelt so weirdly) to show how much she missed me; how close she had to be before her breathing would return to normal, the bitter-sweet smiles she would make when Kacchan and I made up fake things we did together and even just the way she eyed me and Kacchan to analyse how close were were was enough to tell me she really missed me. I was heart-shattering to walk out of the doors to the lovely bakery I once lived in as I weakly smiled at her pleading eyes.

We eventually exited the bakery. Kacchan waited until we were just in view of the bakery window before he spoke again. "She seems... Nice." He spoke as if he had noticed something when we were in there. I looked up at him questioningly "Your mother. She seemed to be very fond of you." He added "Well wouldn't you be very fond of your child if you ever had one?" I almost whispered, getting naustalgia from the conversation we had an hour ago about this same thing. "Not too sure about that one. You can only really have kids with your mate." He gestured to me passively aggressive. I knew what he was politely implying - I was very thankful of the public eye or he would have ripped me to shreds already - and so I cleared my throat "I wasn't implying a kid with me-" I muttered "My mother had me before she found her mate. She found out a few months into her pregnancy my dad wasn't her mate. He still helped raise me though." I lightly smiled up at the man hoping he would get what I was implying. He stared down at me has his brows furrowed slightly "Fortunately for your mother, she isn't royalty and so people won't judge her for that." He spoke rather begrudgingly

"Ah." I muttered to myself "Fair enough." I looked around. "Maybe we could stop at the library?" I asked. He looked down at me giving me the 'you're pushing it' look. I simply nodded and followed. "So where exactly are we going Kacchan?" I asked earning a grunt of, presumably, annoyance in reply. (Aww he has such a way with words 🤌✨✨✨) I could only really follow the man and hope I would be fine. I saw a few people I knew on the way and waved at them with a smile, their jaws dropping as they saw who was accompanying me.

To say royalty was roaming the kingdom, not many cared. I guess it was for privacy reasons as even from a child, my mother had always taught me not to hassle royalty if I see them in streets and only talk to them if they talk to me. To think of it, many rules within the kingdom were often how to treat Royalty in some form. I must have been muttering my thoughts however as a familiar voice cut off my thoughts. "Be quiet will you?" "Sorry... sorry I was just deep in thought." I stated, a nervous laugh and smile accompanying it. "Just be quieter then. I don't care about how royalty is often the main reasoning for rules. We are the creators of the rules and so we have to be safe from attackers." He simply stated as we walked on.

"Kacchan?" I asked as I finally realised where in the kingdom we were. "Why are we here?" I asked "because." He simply responded "But it's dangerous! You could be hurt!" I hissed "oh really? Simply didn't cross my mind." He sarcastically spoke, his words laced with frustration. The bricks on the floor were covered in cracks and had holes larger than your head imprinted every few steps. The houses were very small and practically slung together like a house with many doors and windows lacing up the street. I knew this side of the village all too well. Iida lived here.

His background wasn't the best yet he seemed to be the brightest person to ever walk on the planet. He had made many inventions from limited materials and had high hopes despite the amount of crime in this side of the kingdom. It was a very dirty place however. Rats scurried along the streets aswell as cockroaches. A few children were poking the decapitated corpse of a rat. I stared in horror at the sight. I quickly ran over towards the children.

"No! Don't do that please..." I politely spoke "Would you like a bunch of people poking at your corpse when you die?" "No..." one stated "It can also get you really sick you know." "Oh... we didn't know Mr. Thank you!" One smiled as they all bowed before skipping away. I smiled at them. "They're probably off to find a new corpse to poke at." Kacchan scoffed as he continued. We eventually made our way to a small building. It was grey in color and the daek-brown roof sagged lifelessly. An old beaten sign above the door read "Food Bank" in very thick, black, messy writing. I looked over to Kacchan realising what he would do. "So you help the less-fortunate?" I asked "Of course I do. It's how we found Himiko and Eijiro." He stated before he walked in. I quickly followed not wanting to stay outside for long.

"Ah! If it isn't Katsuki!"

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