~Nijuu San~

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Izuku's POV:

I woke up to the sound of footsteps. I groggily began to sit up, becoming very aware of the dust that had crusted over my skin. Panicking, I examined the Cape Kacchan had given me. It wasn't dirty, I was going to be okay.

I could now see my surroundings - the blackness and tiredness no longer obscuring my vision. We were in a small clearing, trees surrounding us in an octagonal shape with rocks and bushes scattered around the area. Kasai was fast asleep by a circle of rocks. She too was caked in mud, her mane was also lightly matted - nothing a small brushing couldn't help.

I then decided to run my hand through my own hair, dirt dragging onto my fingers as they tugged at knots. I was definitely going to need a bath, quick.

Aching, I got up with a large groan. The groan had earned kacchan attention as he looked over to me. "There's a lake a few paces away." He simply stated as he pointed in some direction "Hurry and bathe, I do not want to be seen with someone so dirty." I rolled my eyes and patted myself down slightly, beginning to walk towards the lake.


I was freezing. The lake was so cold, it could preserve an extinct creature. My skin was red and covered in goosebumps. My clothes were soaked aswell - Kacchan had made a rather large point about how muddy my clothes were.

I got back to the clearing, opening my satchel and pulling out my cloak aswell as a bandana I used as a mask of sorts. I made no time in putting in the cloak and wrapping the bandana around my nose and mouth, immediately feeling some warmth.

It was then, I noticed Kacchan was gone. Kasai was still here, trotting about and minding her own business. He surely couldn't have left, he wouldn't leave his horse anywhere near me. Perhaps he had gone to the lake looking for me? No, I would have seen him. Maybe he went off back to the Inn for anything I had left?

I was then suddenly slapped on the back of the head. I swiveled around to see the blonde. "Your mumbling is annoying. Shut up!" He shouted. I nodded. "Sorry Kacchan."  I muttered "My name is Katuki!" He growled "You can't even remember my name and yet I do all of this for you?! You're so ungrateful!" He scowled, throwing some berries at me, which I had just managed to catch.

Kacchan then stopped walking, his huffing had stopped and he remained dead still for a few seconds. "We gotta go." He hurriedly stated as he ran back for me and through me on the back of Kasai, grabbing everything before getting on too. I had ultimatley dropped the berries upon being dragged and had only just caught my satchel as it was launched at my face. I didn't have much time to put it on as Katsuki began riding off.

I was almost a flag, dangling from Kasai. The only difference being I was screaming on the top of my lungs and clutching the poor creature for dear life. "Quiet! They'll find us you f'cking idiot!" Katsuki shouted from infront, eyes souly concentrated on what was infront of him. "We have to get there now!" He shouted on the top of his lungs, ignoring his own command towards me.

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