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Izuku's POV:

Kacchan very quickly helped me up, being careful or my arm, and lightly dragged me down the corridor. I looked behind me a few times, finding that the king had not followed us. I could only hope that he had been knocked out. A rock to the head wasn't exactly the gentlest knock on the head to have.

"Do you know where my mother is?" I asked. He shook his head in response. "Probably in the dungeons." He answered after a while of pondering. "I was down there." I reasoned "So I highly doubt she is." The blonde-haired male waved his free hand carelessly. "Even if we dont find her, we can always just take that guy out and then they will be forced to release her." I nodded in response.

The stone he was trying to force on me seemed quite damaging. There was always the possibility of it causing even more damage to the man. The only issue was the fact that it might not have been lethal - that and the fact I had left the stone in there with him.

Kacchan suddenly came to a halt. I looked up, finding we were blocked by two guards. They each held their knives up to us and were slowly approaching. I looked to Kacchan, finding he was as helpless as me in this situation. We could only watch as they slowly approached, the pure glee was overly visible on their faces. Was this entire castle filled with psychos?

Thundering footsteps raced towards the guards from behind. Before they could turn their heads to look, something hit each of them and sent them tumbling to the floor. The girl with the green hair stood behind them, her face urgent and desperate. "He's hiding her majesty within his chambers." She told us, looking around nervously before handing us a key. "She should be in the room opposite his bedroom - that's where he usually takes high profile 'criminals'." "Thank you miss." I smiled. "Just call me Tsu." She nodded.

"Why can't you go up there and get her?" Kacchan asked. For once, he was asking a decent question. It was a shame he worded it in such a way. "I've been taking care our our little 'friends'." She indicated to the incapacitated guards sprawled about the floor. "I can also distract the king at the very least." I nodded to her and grabbed kacchan by the arm. "We'll be going then." I gave her a smile before hurrying away.


Thousands of guards littered the floor, providing a twisted, absurd crumb trail of sorts. Tsu wasn't to be messed with, I could only marvel at her work.

Despite this, we reached the King's floor quite easily. Searching for his bedroom was the trickiest part; I could never understand why royals had entire floors to themself - at that point they merely have an apartment, not a castle. It seemed very impractical in case of an emergency.

Suprisingly, his area was small and quite easy to navigate, meaning we found the room quite easily. Inside, my mother was chained up to the wall. She leant against the wall with no hope, seemingly not even daring to look at who had arrived.

"Mother!" I hissed, running over as fast as I could. I snatched the key from Kacchan, who was the least bit pleased, and unlocked the shackles encasing her wrists and ankles. "Izuku..." My mother whispered, cupping my face. "Are you okay? What did he try to do to you?" She asked, her tone laced with conern and her eyes unable to look away from my arm. "It's fine." I reassured her. "He just threw me roughly." My mother's eyes widened in anger. "He did what?" She asked challengingly.

"I wouldn't try anything Mrs Midoriya." Kacchan interrupted. "Katsuki, what do you mean?" My mother asked. So that's his name, 'Katsuki'. Now I couldn't help but wonder where I got 'Kacchan' from and why he hadn't said anything about it. "He's quite strong - stronger than you'd imagine." He mumbled. "He's also working with my mother." She nodded. "As I suspected years ago."

"Oh please, Inko, you never suspected a thing." A menacing voice chuckled. I turned around, finding both Mitsuki and the King standing in the doorway. In his hand, the man held the stone. We were in trouble.

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