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Inko stared at the man with disguist, her attention turning to a young woman beside him.

She had long, green hair that matched her green eyes. Her skin was pale and she had a small stature with small curves. It reminded Inko of herself in her youth - and that disguisted her.

"I see you've noticed your little replacement." He spoke. "You're sick!" Inko shouted angrily. "She seems as young as-" Inko stopped herself. She didn't want to give the twisted king any ideas alluding to her dear son. She didn't even want him to known.

"As young as who? Our darling little son?" The king asked. She could practically feel the smug grin being hidden behind his mask. Inko didn't reply however. "I must say, Inko, you are smart." The king remarked "Secretly running off with a servant boy and getting a citizenship so you could evade capture." The king clapped slowly as if to mock the green-haired woman. "Of course, I knew it wouldn't last."

Inko shook her head in disbelief. "You planned this?" She asked, anger very evident in her eyes as she struggled with the rope around her wrists. "Oh no, when Mitsuki found her child, Katsuki, had a mark somewhat resembling Izuku's hair we began to plot." The king paused, clicking his fingers as a familiar blonde woman entered the room. "If anything, it was all her." He jestured the Mitsuki.

Mitsuki just smirked back at Inko smugly. "We could have been powerful allies, Inko." She cocked her head to the side. "It's unfortunate you wanted to throw that away for your son." Inko sighed glaring at the blonde woman, as if she was plotting her death. "Now, I believe your son is on his way here."

Inko's eyes widened, fear taking over her. She had dedicated months of her life making sure the wicked man who stood before her wasn't involved with her son. He wasn't a puppet for the twisted thrill of her 'husband'. He was an amazing young boy with a life ahead of him.

"Don't touch my son." She warned. The man erupted into laughter, settling after a few moments. "You always were such a main character, Inko." The rounded woman stared back in both shock and disguist, opening her mouth to retaliate however being cut off as the doors opened.

Inko whipped her head around and saw two familiar faces; Izuku and Katsuki.

The greenette looked scared and panicked. His eyes darted everywhere around the room and his chest rose and fell at a rapid pace. This soon worsened when he saw his mother. Katsuki on the other hand, was struggling to free himself from the guards' grasps. He had barely noticed anyone but soon froze when his mother made her presence known.

"Think you could get the slip on me, Katsuki?" Her voice rang through the room. Katsuki stopped his struggling and eyes his mother. "What's it to you, Hag?" He asked, raising a brow. His mother laughed bitterly, giving him an angered glance before harshening her expression. "You made my job harder than it needed to be." She pointed out. "All I had to do was get him to run to his father with Ashido's help, but of course you didn't allow this." She berraded, beginning to pace infront on the blonde.

Izuku raised a brow. "My father doesn't live here." He spoke up nervously, trying his best not to stutter as he did so. "Ah, you've been lying to him Inko." The man said, causing the two boys to jump as they finally realised he was there.

"What does he mean, mother?" Izuku asked in hesitation. Inko shook her head, tears beginning to form as she looked away. "Come now Inko, tell him the truth." The man pressed as he stood up from his throne and walked to her side. Inko took a shaky inhale and looked back at her son.

"I'm sorry Izuku - I lied." She began, tears now falling. "You're from here... I just-" She cut herself off with a yelp as she was hit across the face. "Stop stalling!" The man snarled. "Don't hit my mother!" Izuku shouted, now beginning to try break free as he saw the pain in his mother's eyes.

"Well... I-" Inko took a deep inhale before continuing. "He is your real father, Izuku. I was heir to the throne and it was an arranged marriage." She began to quieten. "But please - Izuku - please understand! He's a terrible person and I'm sorr-" She was once again slapped across the face. "Learn your place!" He shouted.

Izuku had had enough at this point, he had managed to free his wrists from the guard and ran over to his supposed father. "I told you don't touch her!" He shouted on the top of his lungs. He attempted to tackle the man, but was instead tackled by the guard he had freed himself from and was stuck on the floor.

Katsuki had tried to escape upon seeing this, but a quick slap from his mother stopped him almost immediately. She brought a hand to his collar and swiftly leaned in. "You even try to help that wretch and I will personally ensure he's beheaded infront of you!" She threatened, her eyes sharply flicking between her son and a struggling Izuku.

"Get off of my son!" Inko demanded, watcning as her son suffocated. The knight ignored her command and continued to restrained Izuku. The King waved his hand and the guard got off, Izuku gasping for air. "I can't have you killing my successor." He reasoned. "Now, take my beloved wife to the dungeons. She can come back out when she has accepted I'm in charge."

"And Queen Mitsuki?" The woman asked, looking at the other Queen and her son. The king shrugged "I'll allow her to make the choice." He passively replied. "You know what to do with the boy." He stated as he paused, turning back to see the woman nod. "Good." He responded before walking out.

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