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Izuku's POV:

I was woken up by the rustling of, what I assumed was, clothes. I opened my eyes to see Ashido-San placing a pair of clothes on my dresser. "Ah I didn't mean to wake you up Mr. Midoriya-Kun." she laughed nervously "It's okay," I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes, holding in a yawn. "Breakfast starts in an hour by the way." She stated as she walked to the doorway "oh!" She abruptly stopped "You also have to go on an outing with Prince Katsuki." She simply stated before walking out, nearly fumbling over the basket in her hands.

I painfully pulled myself out of 'my bed'. Despite the maximum comfort it provided, it wasn't very hard to pry myself from its not so comforting grasp. I changed into what Ashido-San had left for me; a plain white blouse along with black trousers and a green vest (idk what it is. Just whatever he wears on the front cover of the book.)

I then brushed my teeth lightly before trying to tame the mess I called hair -It was unsuccessful but I tried. Before half-heartedly dragging myself down the hall to the dining room. As soon as I entered I felt the crimson eyes from last night on me; a fixed glare. I groaned under my breath as I unwillingly sat beside him. "Good morning Izuku! How was your sleep?" Denki asked "oh... it was amazing." I lied, putting on a smile. I didn't want to tell them I had cried myself to sleep - I would be seen as weak and due to my second gender, I cant afford that.

"I see..." the Queen murmered "Mother?" Eijiro asked "Yes darling?" The queen smiled in response "I heard Katsuki and Izuku are going on an outing? May we go for one aswell?" "Of course dears." She smiled before returning her gaze to the door as a tired Ochaco and Himiko walked in. "Good morning mother." The blonde girl yawned as she guided her mate to her seat.

Luckily, Ochaco was next to me. Fate was finally on my side. "Good luck Izu." Ochaco whispered as she sat down. I looked at her confused "From what Himiko has told me, your mate is the equivalent to a rattle snake with no rattle." "I know," I sighed "He doesn't keep his eyes off me as if I will stab him the second he looks away." I sighed "Well Himiko is lovely." She smiled "She is quite the person to joke and often, alss sure I am comfortable. I cant wait to marry her!" "I can't wait for one of us to die." I groaned as I sunk into my chair as I did the night before. "I don't think you'll have to wait long. With how stressed your fiancé is constantly he will end up passing before you even have your first child." She giggled

"What are you two talking about?" A voice growled from my right. "Oh uh- uhm..." I stuttered trying to get my words out. "We were just talking about our childhood. Calm down." Uraraka smiled bitterly at the man beside me. She then leaned towards me and quickly uttered "when you are married and forced to share chambers with that man my only suggestion is hurling him or you out of the window." I chuckled lightly at this which made her laugh too. "Maybe ask if you and your mate could come with us. I don't want to die alone." I softly spoke, hoping the easily angered alpha beside me didn't hear. I suddenly heard the voice beside me utter something along the lines of "You'll have more to worry about than dying alone."

My eyes widened as my face began to turn pale. "I will- I will." Ochaco laughed nervously as she must have heard the alpha's response. "Hey? Himi?" She asked the alpha beside her "may we accompany Izuku and Katsuki on their day out?" "But it is their day purple and we wouldn't want to ruin their only day to get to know eachother outside of the kingdom aside from attending royal duties." The alpha reasoned "we could also use it as a time for bonding?" Ochaco smirked knowing she had won as the alpha stopped to ponder "Okay. But we will mist leave them alone." "Okay!"

I sighed a sigh of relief. His eyes were still on me however, I felt it. I turned to meet his gaze before quickly averting my eyes remembering the information Denki had given me. "Please stop staring."I mumbled just audible for even myself "I do what I want you useless piece of-" " KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" A voice crowed "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT IS NONWAY TO SPEAK TO YOUR MATE? AS HIS SUPERIOR YOU SHOULD PRITECT AND LOOK AFTER HIM! NOT HURL ABUSE AT HIM FOR ALL YOUR DOINGS!" The room went silent before the queen turned to me "I am once again truly sorry for this Izuku."  She smiled "This will all soon be over as you two will get to know eachother and you WILL become closer." She clutched her cutlery tighter the thurther she got into her sentence.

"Mitsuki, dear, you're getting aggressive again." The shell of a man beside her meekly spoke "Oh I apologise." She cleared her throat before standing up "Izuku, Katsuki I expect you to be on your best behaviour upon roaming around the kingdom and I expect you to become closer and hopefully form a bond like the rest of the royals." She spoke before quickly walking out. I groaned quietly and shrunk thurther into my chair. "You think I want this aswell?" The man beside me growled "You've already made that clear" I sighed as I turned to my plate of food. It was full of most things I liked and yet I still didn't feel like eating the luxury food before me.

"Excuse me." I simply stated before hurrying back into my room. If they wanted me they would come and retrieve me as usual. I am basically expected to colonise in my chamber at this point anyway, only really forced out to attend meals and then thrown back into the 'safe' confines of the tower referred to as 'my chambers'.

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