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Izuku's POV:

I gingerly stepped out of the carriage, avoiding the monstrous stomps from the supposed 'amazing' Prince behind me. He was moodier than ever. I quickly thanked the driver before they proceeded to whip the horses, indicating for them to begin trotting once again. I looked over to the ash blonde. His blood-red eyes were once again directly on me. "Is there something wrong?" I muttered, finally mustering up enough courage to speak. "Well you lived here didn't you?" He stated "Where's your house? Your parents might be worried." "I live at uhm... The Bakery in Kēki Square." I simply stated "Then let's go." The man scoffed before walking ahead.

I smiled lightly. He was mean yes but he cared enough to allow me to see my mother once again. I grinned at the small kids as they played in the streets, much to Katsuki's dismay, and they called my name. "Where have you been Izuku?" One asked "oh don't worry I'm fine!" I simply stated as I felt his eyes on me. "I better go see my mother now! Goodbye Eri!" I smiled before walking over to the moody Prince. "No wonder you missed the place. You're practically royalty here." He muttered "oh uh no... I just give out spare food we don't sell at the bakery to orphanages and homeless people." I meekly replied "I also collect the bakery items from my father's bakery and send them to other kingdoms who need them like The Pein'andomizarī kingdom." He hummed in response not really caring - or really listening - as we walked.

I eventually saw the bakery in all of it's glory. The beige-bricked building with green wooden accents with a familiar mint sign hung above the door. I smiled. "Guessing this is it?" Katsuki questioned as he looked over to where I was staring, interrupting my peace. "Yea." I muttered as I walked to the door.

I peaked through the window by the door. The bakery looked untouched, our famous bakewell pies layed on the back counter incase anyone ordered one aswell as a loaf banana bread which had a few slices missing; clearly my mother's doing. I walked in followed by Katsuki, the bell above the door ringing. "Oh! I'll just be a second." A solemn voiced called as shuffling was heard. The door to the kitchen swung open and the figure of my mither emerged.

She stood staring at me; her eyes wide. "Izuku?" She whispered. Her words were bubbly as she sobbed. She swiftly ran jber to me and hugged me tightly. "Oh thank goodness your safe! I thought you had ran away or you'd been kidnapped!" She sobbed into my shoulder. I eventually surpassed my shock and hugged back "I'm okay mother. It's just uhm..." I began. She pulled away from the hug and looked into my eyes. She then looked behind me to see my 'beloved' mate.

"Oh- Your highness I'm so sorry I didn't notice you." She panicked as she bowed. "May I ask why you are here?" "My 'mate'." His tounge stiffened at the word 'mate' "wanted to see his family." I laughed nervously as my mothers eyes widened even thurther "Mate?" She repeated "uhm yes. That day I was dragged away by royal guards to see if I was Ka-" I stopped mid-sentence trying to remember his name "Kacchan's? Mate." I gingerly spoke "and it turns out I am." "Oh... you have him a nickname I see?" My mother looked between to two of us oddly "uhhh yea-" I gingerly agreed trying to make sure she thought I was happy "oh well! Feel free to have some bakewell pie. I have to go get something from your father." She abruptly stated before exiting the bakery.

"Kacchan..." Katsuki muttered under his breath inquisitivley "Where have I heard that..." he whispered just audible for me to hear. "Sorry what was that?" I asked "really? Kacchan?" He scoffed "Uhm yes?" I nervously backed away. "Uhm- how about you try some bakewell pie?" I quickly spoke "I don't eat sweet things." He deadpanned "You're not very sweet either." I muttered under my breath. "What was that?" He glared at me. "Oh nothing...." I stated before shoving a slice of bakewell pie into my mouth to avoid conversation. "We have some sour bread if you would like some..." I offered. The Prince simply nodded in response. I then quickly handed him a slice from the nearby display case trying to distract him enough to forget about what I had said. He gingerly took a bite. "It's... different." He replied in response to my worried stare before taking another bite.

No One's POV:

"Kiyoshi!" The small woman cried "Izuku- he's back!" "Well that's great!" The man smiled as he washed off his mixing bowls "No- Mitsuki took him!" The man dropped his bowl and towel. "Mitsuki Bakugou?" "Yes..." The woman began to tear up. "He's mated to her son... Katsuki!" "This is bad..." he sighed "What if she tells Izuku everything and alerts him..." "exactly!" She cried

She rested both her hands on the counter, her head facing down towards it. Her breathing quickened as tears filled her eyes "I- I can't go back! He was so cruel to me... and what if he uses him!" Her sobbing grew as her breath quickened even more. "We won't... don't worry Inko..." the man patted her back softly before hugging her "We would receive word if they were comming and we would have time to run." "But... we never planned for this! I never-" "shh..." the man cut her off "I have. We have a route." "What about Izuku!" The woman's sobs filled the room "He'll use him! He might even hurt him!" "Izuku is a strong, smart man now." Kiyoshi reassured "Katsuki wouldn't stand for his mate being used now would he? Remember when they were young?" "I.... I guess... but even the strongest men cower before their parents." Shs sobbed "Just tell him." The man sighed "I can't!" It'll just put him in more danger!" "Izuku probably is already plotting to run away from the palace. You know what he's capable of." "Okay..." Inko breathed. Her puffy, red eyes met Kiyoshi's "I'll just act normal for now. But if he comes..." "He won't." Kiyoshi interrupted "And if he does we can handle it."

Izuku's POV:

I awkwardly talked with Katsuki, to no avail, as my mother walked in. "Oh mother... what were you getting? You don't seem to have anything." "Oh I was getting more flower but your father didn't have any." She smiled lightly "Have you been crying?" I asked as I looked at her puffy, red eyes "oh no, dear. Just encountered a cat on the walk home." "Oh okay..." I gingerly stated "now please, Izuku and..." she looked over to Katsuki "Call me Katsuki." He stated "Well, Come sit in the lounge upstairs, I'll prepare some tea." She smiled before leading us up stairs. "Excuse me a second." My mother smiled before walking away.

"Your mother seems... Happy." Katsuki muttered "Wouldn't you be happy if your child came back safely after a few days of being missing with no explanation?" I pointed out "Nope. I'd create a new holiday to celebrate the fact they dissapeared." I chuckled at his response "Not like I'm having a child but just incase." He grinned "Agreed." I responded through my giggles.

"Wow... you two seem to be very close." My mother smiled through the doorway. A tray was in her hand with three cups and a teapot ontop. "Wouldn't be surprised to see babies in a years time." She commented "I would." I stated. "We don't plan to have children." "Oh but it's royal tradition." "I have 2 other siblings." Katsuki reasoned "You're the only blood-related royal desecendant." My mother argued "My father has brothers on other kingdoms such as the Pein'andomizarī kingdom." Katsuki simply stated "Well I don't and I have no other child." My mother stated as he looked at me. She then placed the tea down and took a cup. Me and Katsuki did the same.

"Now, if you have children I would like a granddaughter Yoko or Himani." "Why? If you don't mind me asking Mrs. Midoriya.." Katsuki asked "They were the names of a few old friends... they died tragically." "We'll keep that in mind." I awkwardly stated as a sipped my tea "although I doubt we will even have kids." "You're just young now. You'll start talking about having one in a year-or-so." My mother laughed.

I awkwardly laughed in reply. This was going to a be a dicy situation to escape. I don't exactly think I will escape unscathed.


Wewwww 1455 words 👏👏👏 along with some lore. I think writing for two days really payed of here ✨✨✨✨✨


Am out 🤌✨✨✨

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