~Nijuu Shi~

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Izuku's POV:

We had finally reached the kingdom. It was hard to get past the guards - two hooded figures are rather suspicious apparently - and had checked in to a hotel by the name of 'Silver Nights'. It was small in size and was only fit for around 17 people at a time. It wasn't as god as my last one, but it was better than nothing.

"We can get us both citizenships here. It will just around ¥22,000 each" Katsuki explained, throwing my satchel in the closet. "That's rather cheap..." I remarked "Yes, the cost of living is cheaper here. If we get our citizenship then we have nothing to worry about. You can get a house or whatever you wish to do and I can travel the world." I nodded. "But what about my mother? Will I ever see her again?"

Kacchan rolled his eyes. "You can write to her, give her a code to your location and she can make her own way here." Kacchan reasoned.

I looked down in thought. I would need an address. If the guards find the note - to which they probably will - they will eventually decipher it and find us or look at the address. Maybe I could write a letter as a customer requesting a delivery? Would she even come this far? It would take her days!

"You're rambling." Kacchan muttered as he pushed me aside and walked towards the door. "Where are you going?" I asked. He then turned to me. "I'm getting supplies. We can go see The Lords for our citizenship tomorrow morning." He then left, slamming the door behind him.

The walls shook lightly as he did so. Did this man really grow up in such a privileged way? Even his horse has more manners than him. I shook my head, sighing. I took a quill from my satchel and grabbed some paper from the desk - This hotel really did have everything.

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